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Vitejs is a modern technology, and is recently being widely recommended to be used instead of create-react-app. It is considered to be better use for production applications, it also is significantly faster than create-react-app…

For more on Vite:

Run this project:

1- Open on Visual Studio Code and run: npm install

2- npm run dev

3- Command click on when it appears in the terminal, or enter http://localhost:5173/ in the browser

video preview of the project:


This project is composed of a login screen and a dashboard screen, when the user logs in with the correct credentials, he is sent to the dashboard page where he can navigate between articles and read their content.


API’s are being handled using Axios, Async thunks (Redux Toolkit).

  • The official documentation of redux has been strongly recommending the use of redux toolkit since 2019, it is an advocate of simple, clean, structured and reusable code, source:
  • Axios is a popular package which provides very useful features especially when working on bigger projects, like interceptors and defaults for example

Product features:

  • Pull down to refresh functionality on Dashboard page
  • The Login screen is responsive to most commonly used mobile devices, and the dashboard cards as well.
  • Upon login success the user is greeted with a success message.
  • The cards on the dashboard screen have a simple clean design and a corner button which when is clicked, shows a longer paragraph from the article if available. If not available, details are provided about the article and a bottom link is shown in both cases that allows the user to see the full article on NY Post.
  • The dashboard screen contains a custom top bar which has a search field, a button to turn tooltips on/off and a theme switch where both of the latter effect all the elements of the application.
  • The user may pull down to refresh by pulling down the screen by a pointer click & drag.
  • The styling of the 404 page is randomized on reload.
  • The login logo is randomized on reload.
  • The article's card image is randomized on reload.
  • Responsive Loading Skeletons that match the article's main card style and count.
  • Loader animations where necessary.
  • Info alerts where needed.

Main Libraries:

  • axios
  • redux
  • react-redux
  • reduxjs/toolkit
  • react-router-dom
  • react-share
  • react-simple-pull-to-refresh
  • react-toastify
  • uuid

UI Libraries:

  • @mui/icons-material
  • @mui/material