NewsApp Android Application
- NewsApp is a sample application that display list of news and their details, along with the possibility to save bookmarks (Room database).
- the App consist of one Activity and three fragments
- This app module is build with MVVM and SingleActivity Architecture. The room database serves as single source of truth. The App is divided into three layers
- User interface
- ViewModel
- Repository
Used Libraries
- Room DataBase
- Glide Image Loader
- This is used to load and cache image from server
- dagger2
- used for dependency injection
- retrofit2 & okHttp
- used for http calls (also certificate pinning is implemented t prevent man iin the middle attack)
- androidx
- Navigation Components
- RecycleView
- Appcompat
- Constraintlayout
- Core-ktx
- Lifecycle-livedata
- Lifecycle-viewmodel