Charcoal Conductor

A CLI tool for interacting with the Charcoal framework.


  • php ^7.4
  • composer


composer global config repositories.stecman/symfony-console-completion vcs
composer global require charcoal/conductor


To enable autocompletion, you need to add the following to your .bashrc or .zshrc file.

source <(conductor _completion -g -p conductor)


Command Description
help Display help for a command
list List commands
models:create Create a new Model
models:list List all registered Models
models:sync Synchronize the database with model definitions
attachments:create Create a new Attachment
attachments:list List all registered Attachments
attachments:sync Synchronize the attachments table with attachment definitions
scripts:list List all charcoal scripts
scripts:run Run a charcoal script
project:create Create a new charcoal project