CSR Assets

This is where the frontend assets for the CSR Fast Track and Fast Stream projects live.

You'll need to have npm and grunt installed on your machine.



Don't run grunt from here, instead clone this repo into the same parent as your prototype lives, and point to ../csr-assets/scss to watch for changes. Make your .scss changes in this repo and when you save it should update in your prototype. You should just end up with compiled CSS in your prototype's assets.


Again for non-vendor JS you should compile the modularised JS from here into your prototype. Keep a prototype.js file separate from production JS to fake behaviour that you will be producing.



Assuming the production application is in the same parent directory as this repo, find the copy task in Gruntfile.js and change the corresponding folder names to match. For example:

copy: {
  ft_assets: {
    expand: true,
    cwd: '_compiled/',
    src: [
    dest: '../fasttrack-frontend/public/'
  fs_assets: {
    expand: true,
    cwd: '_compiled/',
    src: [
    dest: '../faststream-frontend/public/'

Install dependencies with npm install and then start the example page with grunt - this will spin up a local server and should open the example patterns page.


Only make changes to .scss files

After you've made your changes, hitting save should compile and refresh the example patterns page in your browser.


Make changes to files in the /js folder

When you save your JavaScript, JS Hint should run against it and the page in the browser should refresh.


Once you're happy with your CSS and JavaScript changes, you can run grunt build-ft to copy your assets to Fast Track or grunt build-fs to copy your assets to Fast Stream