Express Web Application

Bare minimum, production ready express web application.


A very productive, hot reloading development environment that is production ready. Does not utilize any frameworks, just barebones HTML + SCSS + ES6. The goal is to get up and running as quickly as possible without worrying about the fundamental application configurations.


Utilizes webpack as the primary bundler for optimizing the front end assets.
SCSS/SASS support
Allows SCSS syntax goodies and autoprefixing with postcss configurations.
Hot reloading development environment
Implements webpack hot middleware in the development node server to take advantage of hot reloading of assets in the client.
Simple express server
Sets up a simple express server that follows a VC structure, with controllers serving the proper views using EJS templating engine to include their corresponding assets.
SEO support
Strong support of SEO meta tag management to be indexed by google's search engine.
Custom Demo environment
Utilizes ngrok to set up a secure public URL for convenient demoing purposes.


  • Bootstrap and jQuery libraries are currently included using a CDN. Primary reasoning for bootstrap is to include a familiar responsive grid system. Jquery is included in the event that other libraries/packages are dependent; some cross-browser methods/functions are also useful (ex: anchor smooth scrolling to ID).
