
A curated list of adversarial attacks and defenses papers on graph-structured data.

Graph Adversarial Learning Literature

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A curated list of adversarial attacks and defenses papers on graph-structured data.

Papers are sorted by their uploaded dates in descending order.



Year Title Type Target Task Target Model Venue Link Code
2020 MGA: Momentum Gradient Attack on Network Attack Node Classification, Community Detection GCN, DeepWalk, node2vec Arxiv Link
2020 Graph Universal Adversarial Attacks: A Few Bad Actors Ruin Graph Learning Models Attack Node Classification GCN Arxiv Link
2020 Adversarial Attacks to Scale-Free Networks: Testing the Robustness of Physical Criteria Attack Network Structure Physical Criteria Arxiv Link
2020 Adversarial Attack on Community Detection by Hiding Individuals Attack Community Detection GCN WWW 2020 Link
2019 A Restricted Black-box Adversarial Framework Towards Attacking Graph Embedding Models Attack Node Classification GCN, SGC AAAI 2020 Link Link
2019 Time-aware Gradient Attack on Dynamic Network Link Prediction Attack Link Prediction Dynamic Network Embedding Algs Arxiv Link
2019 Manipulating Node Similarity Measures in Networks Attack Node Similarity Node Similarity Measures AAMAS 2020 Link
2019 Multiscale Evolutionary Perturbation Attack on Community Detection Attack Community Detection Community Metrics Arxiv Link
2019 Attacking Graph Convolutional Networks via Rewiring Attack Node Classification GCN Openreview Link
2019 Node Injection Attacks on Graphs via Reinforcement Learning Attack Node Classification GCN Arxiv Link
2019 Unsupervised Euclidean Distance Attack on Network Embedding Attack Node Embedding GCN Arxiv Link
2019 Generalizable Adversarial Attacks Using Generative Models Attack Node Classification GCN Arxiv Link
2019 Vertex Nomination, Consistent Estimation, and Adversarial Modification Attack Vertex Nomination VN Scheme Arxiv Link
2019 Towards Data Poisoning Attack against Knowledge Graph Embedding Attack Fact Plausibility Prediction TransE, TransR IJCAI 2019 Link
2018 Adversarial Attacks on Node Embeddings via Graph Poisoning Attack Node Classification, Community Detection node2vec, DeepWalk, GCN, Spectral Embedding, Label Propagation ICML 2019 Link Link
2019 Attacking Graph-based Classification via Manipulating the Graph Structure Attack Node Classification Belief Propagation, GCN CCS 2019 Link
2019 Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning Attack Node Classification GCN, CLN, DeepWalk ICLR 2019 Link Link
2018 GA Based Q-Attack on Community Detection Attack Community Detection Modularity, Community Detection Alg IEEE TCSS Link
2018 Data Poisoning Attack against Unsupervised Node Embedding Methods Attack Link Prediction LINE, DeepWalk Arxiv Link
2018 Attack Graph Convolutional Networks by Adding Fake Nodes Attack Node Classification GCN Arxiv Link
2018 Link Prediction Adversarial Attack Attack Link Prediction GAE, GCN Arxiv Link
2018 Attack Tolerance of Link Prediction Algorithms: How to Hide Your Relations in a Social Network Attack Link Prediction Traditional Link Prediction Algs Scientific Reports Link
2018 Attacking Similarity-Based Link Prediction in Social Networks Attack Link Prediction local&global similarity metrics AAMAS 2019 Link
2018 Fast Gradient Attack on Network Embedding Attack Node Classification GCN Arxiv Link
2018 Adversarial Attack on Graph Structured Data Attack Node/Graph Classification GNN, GCN ICML 2018 Link Link
2018 Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data Attack Node Classification GCN KDD 2018 Link Link
2017 Practical Attacks Against Graph-based Clustering Attack Graph Clustering SVD, node2vec, Community Detection Alg CCS 2017 Link
2017 Adversarial Sets for Regularising Neural Link Predictors Attack Link Prediction Knowledge Graph Embeddings UAI 2017 Link Link


Year Title Type Target Task Target Model Venue Link Code
2020 Certified Robustness of Community Detection against Adversarial Structural Perturbation via Randomized Smoothing Defense Community Detection Community Detection Algs WWW 2020 Link
2019 How Robust Are Graph Neural Networks to Structural Noise? Defense Node Structural Identity Prediction GIN Arxiv Link
2019 GraphDefense: Towards Robust Graph Convolutional Networks Defense Node Classification GCN Arxiv Link
2019 All You Need is Low (Rank): Defending Against Adversarial Attacks on Graphs Defense Node Classification GCN, Tensor Embedding WSDM 2020 Link Link
2019 αCyber: Enhancing Robustness of Android Malware Detection System against Adversarial Attacks on Heterogeneous Graph based Model Defense Malware Detection HIN CIKM 2019 Link
2019 Edge Dithering for Robust Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks Defense Node Classification GCN Arxiv Link
2019 GraphSAC: Detecting anomalies in large-scale graphs Defense Anomaly Detection Anomaly Detection Algs Arxiv Link
2019 Certifiable Robustness to Graph Perturbations Defense Node Classification GNN NeurIPS 2019 Link Link
2019 Power up! Robust Graph Convolutional Network based on Graph Powering Defense Node Classification GCN Openreview Link Link
2019 Adversarial Robustness of Similarity-Based Link Prediction Defense Link Prediction Local Similarity Metrics ICDM 2019 Link
2019 Transferring Robustness for Graph Neural Network Against Poisoning Attacks Defense Node Classification GNN WSDM 2020 Link Link
2019 Improving Robustness to Attacks Against Vertex Classification Defense Node Classification GCN KDD Workshop 2019 Link
2019 Certifiable Robustness and Robust Training for Graph Convolutional Networks Defense Node Classification GCN KDD 2019 Link Link
2019 Topology Attack and Defense for Graph Neural Networks: An Optimization Perspective Defense Node Classification GNN IJCAI 2019 Link Link
2019 Adversarial Examples on Graph Data: Deep Insights into Attack and Defense Defense Node Classification GCN IJCAI 2019 Link Link
2019 Adversarial Defense Framework for Graph Neural Network Defense Node Classification GCN, GraphSAGE Arxiv Link
2019 Investigating Robustness and Interpretability of Link Prediction via Adversarial Modifications Defense Link Prediction Knowledge Graph Embedding NAACL 2019 Link
2019 Robust Graph Convolutional Networks Against Adversarial Attacks Defense Node Classification GCN KDD 2019 Link Link
2019 Can Adversarial Network Attack be Defended? Defense Node Classification GNN Arxiv Link
2019 Virtual Adversarial Training on Graph Convolutional Networks in Node Classification Defense Node Classification GCN PRCV Link
2019 Comparing and Detecting Adversarial Attacks for Graph Deep Learning Defense Node Classification GCN, GAT, Nettack RLGM@ICLR 2019 Link
2019 Graph Adversarial Training: Dynamically Regularizing Based on Graph Structure Defense Node Classification GCN TKDE Link Link
2018 Characterizing Malicious Edges targeting on Graph Neural Networks Defense Detected Added Edges GNN, GCN OpenReview Link
2017 Adversarial Sets for Regularising Neural Link Predictors Attack Link Prediction Knowledge Graph Embeddings UAI 2017 Link Link


Adversarial Attack and Defense on Graph Data: A Survey (Link)

  title={Adversarial Attack and Defense on Graph Data: A Survey},
  author={Sun, Lichao and Wang, Ji and Yu, Philip S and Li, Bo},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.10528},