
Carbon Application Maven Deployment Goal for Local Instance

Primary LanguageJava

Deploy Carbon Apps Locally with Maven Goal


This Maven plugin facilitates local deployment of WSO2 Micro Integrator (MI) artifacts. It's tailored for multimodal projects integrated with the Common Application Platform (CAP) project.


First, we are not in maven central yet, build and install the plugin locally using:

mvn clean package

Ensure to set default parameters before deployment (We look forward to auto extract these from parent pom): You can override these with command line flags.

export MI_PATH=<WSO2MI_LOCATION>/wso2mi-4.2.0/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps
export CAR_PATH=<YOUR_CAR_PATH>/target/<name>.car

Finally, To incorporate this plugin as an independent goal managed within your project's POM, add the following configuration:


Manually execute the deployment goal using the following Maven command:

mvn com.chakray:deploy-local:1.0-SNAPSHOT:deploy-car

If you prefer automatic execution during mvn clean install, bind the goal to the install phase:

                    <phase>install</phase> <!-- Bind the goal to the install phase -->

Then each time you will run mvn clean install on your parent pom artifacts will automatically be deployed to WSO2MI

Contributions Needed:

-[ ] Automatic construction of variables from parent attributes and passing them as default parameters in the POM. -[ ] Deployment to Maven Central.