
Text file processor

Primary LanguagePython

Here's a draft of the technical README for your GitHub repository:

Text Processing with Python

This Python script provides a solution for processing text files, extracting specific information, and enhancing the content based on defined patterns. The script is particularly useful for scenarios where textual data needs to be modified or augmented based on predefined rules.

Table of Contents


The script is designed to process text files containing structured data delimited by specific markers. It searches for patterns within these markers, extracts relevant information, and modifies the text accordingly.


To use the script, simply provide an input text file (input.txt), which contains the data to be processed. The script will then analyze the content, apply modifications according to defined rules, and produce an output file (output_python.txt) with the processed data.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

   git clone https://github.com/charity1475/text-parser.git

  1. Navigate to the cloned directory:

   cd text-parser

  1. Ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can download it from python.org.


Suppose we have an input file (input.txt) with the following content:

xxx$ acc:1234 account acc:5678 balance #end#

Running the script will process the file and produce an output file (output_python.txt) with the modified content:

xxx$ acc:1234   NEW[ 1234 ] account acc:5678   NEW[ 5678 ] balance #end#


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Feel free to adjust or expand upon this draft as needed to better reflect your project and your problem-solving skills.