
The .NET 7 blog system of https://edi.wang, runs on Microsoft Azure

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Moonglade Blog

Build Status Docker Linux x64 .NET Build Linux

The .NET blog system of edi.wang that runs on Microsoft Azure. Designed for developers, enabling most common blogging features including posts, comments, categories, archive, tags and pages.

📦 Deployment

  • It is recommended to use stable code from Release rather than master branch.

  • It is recommended to enable HTTP/2 support on your web server.

☁ Full Deploy on Azure (Recommend)

This is the way https://edi.wang is deployed, by taking advantage of as many Azure services as possible, the blog can run very fast and secure.

This diagram shows a full Azure deployment for Moonglade for reference.


🐋 Quick Deploy on Azure

Use automated deployment script to get your Moonglade up and running in 10 minutes, follow instructions here

🐧 Quick Deploy on Linux without Docker

To quickly get it running on a new Linux machine without Docker, follow instructions here. You can watch video tutorial here.

🐵 Development

Tools Alternative
Visual Studio 2022 v17.4+ Visual Studio Code with .NET 7.0 SDK
SQL Server 2022 SQL Server LocalDB, PostgreSQL or MySQL

💾 Setup Database

Moonglade supports three types of database. You can choose from SQL Server, PostgreSQL or MySQL.

SQL Server

Create a SQL Server 2022 database, e.g. moonglade

Set the MoongladeDatabase to your database connection string in appsettings.Development.json

"MoongladeDatabase": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=moonglade;Trusted_Connection=True;"


Set DatabaseType to MySql

"DatabaseType": "MySql"

Set the MoongladeDatabase to your database connection string in appsettings.Development.json

"MoongladeDatabase": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=moonglade;Uid=root;Pwd=******;"


Set DatabaseType to PostgreSql

"DatabaseType": "PostgreSql"

Set the MoongladeDatabase to your database connection string in appsettings.Development.json

"MoongladeDatabase": "User ID=****;Password=****;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=****;Pooling=true;"

🔨 Build Source

Build and run ./src/Moonglade.sln

  • Admin: https://localhost:1055/admin
  • Default username: admin
  • Default password: admin123

⚙ Configuration

This section discuss system settings in appsettings.[env].json. For blog settings, please use "/admin/settings" UI.

For production, it is strongly recommended to use Environment Variables over appsetting.json file.

🛡 Authentication

See Wiki document

Local Account (Alternative)

Set Authentication:Provider to "Local". You can manage accounts in /admin/settings/account

🖼 Image Storage

ImageStorage controls how blog post images are stored.

Azure Blob Storage (Preferred)

You need to create an Azure Blob Storage with container level permission.

  "Provider": "azurestorage"
  "AzureStorageSettings": {
    "ConnectionString": "YOUR CONNECTION STRING",
    "ContainerName": "YOUR CONTAINER NAME"

When configured the image storage to use Azure Blob, you can take advantage of CDN for your image resources. Just enable CDN in admin settings, the blog will get images from CDN.

You need to hava an Minio Server.

"Provider": "miniostorage"
"MinioStorageSettings": {
  "EndPoint": "Minio Server Endpoint(eg:localhost:9600)",
  "AccessKey": "Your Access Key",
  "SecretKey": "Your Secret Key",
  "BucketName": "Your BucketName",
  "WithSSL": false

Qiniu Blob Storage (Almost free)

You need to hava an Qiniu cloud account, and use Kodo storage service.

"Provider": "qiniustorage"
"QiniuStorageSettings": {
  "EndPoint": "Your Custom Domain",
  "AccessKey": "Your Access Key",
  "SecretKey": "Your Secret Key",
  "BucketName": "Your BucketName",
  "WithSSL": false

File System (Not Recommended)

You can also choose File System for image storage if you don't have a cloud option.

  "Provider": "filesystem",
  "FileSystemPath": "C:\\UploadedImages"

🤬 Comment Moderator

📧 Email Notification

If you need email notification for new comments, new replies and pingbacks, you have to setup the Moonglade.Notification Azure Function first, and then enable notification in admin portal.

🔩 Others

🎉 Blog Protocols or Standards

  • RSS
  • Atom
  • OPML
  • Open Search
  • Pingback
  • Reader View
  • FOAF
  • RSD
  • MetaWeblog (Basic Support)
  • Dublin Core Metadata (Basic Support)
  • BlogML - Under triage
  • APML - Not planned
  • Trackback - Not planned

🐼 Example Blogs

There are a few individuals already setup thier blogs using Moonglade on Azure (Global or China), Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc.

Just Submit PR or issue if you want your blog to be listed here