
Sample app demonstarting redux-like approach to Android development

Primary LanguageKotlin

Knot sample app

This apps strives to demonstrate modern techniques to writing modular, highly testable code. It uses approach similar to Redux and Redux-Observable: it uses reducers of type (S, E) -> S for state chagnes and it uses 'epics' for side-effects.

Each epic is like a small user-story. They take event and the state stream as the input and they return stream of events will be dispatched to the reducers and other epics.

This app also uses Dagger 2 for DI but it doesn't use it for injecting Epics which could be beneficial.

Important You must specify your own API key (in app/build.gradle)

As this is a sample app it makes some simplifications:

  • Views shouldn't know about the whole app state, some mediator should adapt the state for the view.
  • In the same way views shouldn't know about Events.
  • Same models are used for the logic layer and for the view layer
  • Functionality like date filtering doesn't work like it should
  • There should be an abstraction level (like 'Repository') between the epics and the API