
The following proposal presents a system, based off the popular television series Dragon Ball Z, used to track or locate nearest friends locations relative to one's own position. In the show, each of the Dragon Balls emits a faint electromagnetic pulse, which Dragon Radars can detect and point arrows in their general direction so that the characters may locate them. Pressing the button on the top of the radar can cause the view to zoom out and show a more detailed map of the area. Much like the radar in the television series, this is the real life “Dragonball Z Radar” an application where the dragon balls are the user’s friends. The application sends and receives constant updates while providing a means of effective communication between friends. A common scenario may be where the user is planning to meet their friends at a large convention, event or gathering. It’s quite difficult to meet up when everyone in the party does not know everyone else’s exact locations. Sometimes the user will attempt to communicate by calling, texting and pointing out landmarks. Other times this process is much more difficult and time consuming than it may appear. As a result, the user has no idea how long it may take to find their friends. This project presents a practical solution to this dilemma by using dynamic coordinates, as the Dragonball Z Radar will tell the user exactly how close they are to their friends relative to their current position as long as everyone has an iPhone. This will give the user a better idea about on everyone’s timing and position. All the user needs to do is simply add their group of friends (up to 7 individuals) and the radar will gather and share locations to all parties. When everyone converges the dots on the radar will get closer together signifying the party is almost together. Additionally, a group chat function will be implemented so the party can conveniently communicate on the go.

Primary LanguageSwift
