eightball is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Ignite CLI.
ignite chain serve
command installs dependencies, builds, initializes, and starts your blockchain in development.
User will submit a token offering, and receive back a fortune.
Chain 1 is a eightball which gives out fortunes if you give it an offering in any denom but actually only wants a specific denom
Chain 2 is a simple dex, which will take the token offering and swap it into the denom that the eightball wants
rm -rf ~/.cosmoverse-workshop && rm -rf ~/.simple-dex && hermes keys delete --chain simpledex --all && hermes keys delete --chain cosmoverseworkshop --all
ignite chain serve
hermes keys add --chain cosmoverseworkshop --mnemonic-file ~/.hermes/cvworkshop-mnemonic.txt && hermes keys add --chain simpledex --mnemonic-file ~/.hermes/simpledex-mnemonic.txt
hermes create connection --a-chain cosmoverseworkshop --b-chain simpledex
cosmoverse-workshopd q ibc connection connections
simple-dexd q ibc connection connections
hermes start --full-scan
cosmoverse-workshopd tx eightball connect-to-dex connection-0 --from alice --chain-id cosmoverseworkshop --gas auto
cosmoverse-workshopd q ibc channel channels
simple-dexd q ibc channel channels
cosmoverse-workshopd tx eightball feeling-lucky 50stake --from alice --chain-id cosmoverseworkshop --gas auto
cosmoverse-workshopd tx eightball feeling-lucky 100stake --from bob --chain-id cosmoverseworkshop --gas auto
cosmoverse-workshopd q bank balances
cosmoverse-workshopd q eightball list-fortunes
cosmoverse-workshopd q eightball show-fortune <address>