This is a school project with for main goal discover nodeJS with its modules as well as the good methods to implement and maintain a code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

project: Asynchronous Server Technologies project


This project is a simple web API with a dashboard. It is available on this link: http://localhost:8080/

The main objective of this project is to understand the link between pages thanks to routes and how they communicate to exchange data.

Installation instructions

If you want to use this project you should clone the git repository, then type the command "npm install" before running the program using "npm run dev" or "npm run start".To test the unit tests use the command "npm test". You can also use Travis to achieve it.

The principales features of this system

1) sign In, sign Up, sign Out for a user

2) add/delete/update/display metrics 

examples of use

to test features on user

You can add a user thanks to Sign Up page and then log in with the Sign In page. You can also modify your password thanks to the tool bar or even delete your account or just log out.

to test features on metric

Once your are connected, thanks to the buttons on the session page, you can display, update, add or delete some metrics.


  • /homePage (GET): render the home page of the website
  • / (GET) : render the index page
  • / (POST) : try to connect to the index page
  • /login (GET) : render the login page
  • /login (POST): try connection with login and password
  • /signup (GET): render the sign up page
  • /addMetric (GET): render the page to add a metric (session required)
  • /addMetric (POST): add a metric wih the properties entered in the form (session required)
  • /updateMetric (GET): render the page to update a specific metric (session required)
  • /updateMetric (POST): update the value of a specific metric (session required)
  • /deleteMetric (GET): render the page to delete a metric (session required)
  • /logout(GET): log out the user and render the login page (session required)
  • /updatePassword (GET): render the page to change our password(session required)
  • /updatePassword (POST): change the current password(session required)
  • /delete(GET): delete the current user and run the login page (session required)
  • /user (POST): try to create a new user if he/she does not already exist
  • /user/:username: get the information about the current user (session required)
  • /metrics (GET): get all the metrics from the current user (session required)
  • /metrics/:id (POST) : save the metric with its attributes (session required)
  • /metrics/:id (DELETE) : delete the metric using its key (session required)
  • /metrics/:id/:timestamp/:username (DELETE): delete the metric corresponding (session required)
  • /metric (POST): delete a metric (session required)


Using routes, sometimes we pass parameters in the link:

  • id: the id of the concerned metric
  • timestamp: the timesstamp of the concerned metric
  • username: the username of the current user


We usually use "authCheck" to check if the current user's session is allowed to achieve the desired action.

technical mention

This project was developed in the windows os's environment.

List of contributors

Bruno Charlene and Flaquer Laura