Example: solppc --bin --abi example.solpp
Allowed options: --help Show help message and exit. --version Show version and exit. --license Show licensing information and exit. --evm-version version Select desired EVM version. Either homestead, tangerineWhistle, spuriousDragon, byzantium (default) or constantinople. --optimize Enable bytecode optimizer. --optimize-runs n (=200) Set for how many contract runs to optimize.Lower values will optimize more for initial deployment cost, higher values will optimize more for high-frequency usage. --pretty-json Output JSON in pretty format. Currently it only works with the combined JSON output. --libraries libs Direct string or file containing library addresses. Syntax: :
[, or whitespace] ... Address is interpreted as a hex string optionally prefixed by 0x. -o [ --output-dir ] path If given, creates one file per component and contract/file at the specified directory. --overwrite Overwrite existing files (used together with -o). --combined-json abi,asm,ast,bin,bin-runtime,compact-format,devdoc,hashes,interface,metadata,opcodes,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc Output a single json document containing the specified information. --gas Print an estimate of the maximal gas usage for each function. --standard-json Switch to Standard JSON input / output mode, ignoring all options. It reads from standard input and provides the result on the standard output. --assemble Switch to assembly mode, ignoring all options except --machine and assumes input is assembly. --yul Switch to Yul mode, ignoring all options except --machine and assumes input is Yul. --strict-assembly Switch to strict assembly mode, ignoring all options except --machine and assumes input is strict assembly. --machine evm,evm15,ewasm Target machine in assembly or Yul mode. --link Switch to linker mode, ignoring all options apart from --libraries and modify binaries in place. --metadata-literal Store referenced sources are literal data in the metadata output. --allow-paths path(s) Allow a given path for imports. A list of paths can be supplied by separating them with a comma. --ignore-missing Ignore missing files.Output Components: --ast AST of all source files. --ast-json AST of all source files in JSON format. --ast-compact-json AST of all source files in a compact JSON format. --asm EVM assembly of the contracts. --asm-json EVM assembly of the contracts in JSON format. --opcodes Opcodes of the contracts. --bin Binary of the contracts in hex. --bin-runtime Binary of the runtime part of the contracts in hex. --abi ABI specification of the contracts. --hashes Function signature hashes of the contracts. --userdoc Natspec user documentation of all contracts. --devdoc Natspec developer documentation of all contracts. --metadata Combined Metadata JSON whose Swarm hash is stored on-chain.