
This application helps individuals from a given area to connect through a community.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


By Charles Okunzo, June 21, 2022

This application helps individuals from a given area to connect through a community.

Table of Contents


This application helps individuals from a given area to connect through a community. As a user I can:

  • Sign in with the application to start using.
  • Set up a profile about me and a general location and my neighborhood name.
  • Find a list of different businesses in my neighborhood.
  • Find Contact Information for the health department and Police authorities near my neighborhood.
  • Find Contact Information for the health department and Police authorities near my neighborhood.
  • Change My neighborhood when I decide to move out.
  • Only view details of a single neighborhood. ...
Landing Page

Sign Up

Log In


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Getting Started

To clone the repository, run:

git clone https://github.com/charles-okunzo/neighbourhood

Then navigating to the cloned directory:

cd neighbourhood


This project requires a prerequisite understanding of the following:

  • Django Framework
  • Python3.8
  • Postgres
  • Python pipenv
  • Makefile

Setup and installation

Activate virtual environment

Activate virtual environment using python3.8 as default handler pipenv shell

Install dependancies

Install dependancies that will create an environment for the app to run from Pipfile

Create the Database

- psql
- CREATE DATABASE neighbourhood;

.env file

Create .env file and paste the following, filling where appropriate:

SECRET_KEY = '<secret_key>'
DB_NAME = '<db_name>'
DB_USER = '<username>'
DB_PASSWORD = '<password>'

Run initial Migration

make migrate

Run the app

make run or make

Open terminal on localhost:

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The application is deployed on Heroku and is live on this link:


Technologies Used

  • Django 4.0.5 - Backend logic of the application and views.
  • Bootstrap - Used for overall design and responsive site

Known Bugs

No known bugs.


copyright (c) 2022 MIT License. View License Here

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