Prints a multiplication table of the first n prime numbers
Run npm install
to install dependencies.
Uses lodash for utils and table-text to generate a formatted table from a matrix
To print a multiplication table of the first n numbers:
npm run print-prime-table n
npm run print-prime-table 10
First 10 Primes Multiplication Table:
P 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
2 4 6 10 14 22 26 34 38 46 58
3 6 9 15 21 33 39 51 57 69 87
5 10 15 25 35 55 65 85 95 115 145
7 14 21 35 49 77 91 119 133 161 203
11 22 33 55 77 121 143 187 209 253 319
13 26 39 65 91 143 169 221 247 299 377
17 34 51 85 119 187 221 289 323 391 493
19 38 57 95 133 209 247 323 361 437 551
23 46 69 115 161 253 299 391 437 529 667
29 58 87 145 203 319 377 493 551 667 841
npm run tests
Generating the list of prime numbers is the bottleneck of the program. The time complexity of the implemented algorithm:
n = number of prime numbers you are generating
k = value of nth prime number
There are more efficient algorithms for finding prime numbers that would be more suitable for problems of scale. Such as sieves of Eratosthenes, Euler, Atkin and Sundaram