Aapi (Artificial Intelligence ChatBot)

Aapi (or âpi) is derived from 'Sanskrit Literature', meaning : Friend, associate or acquaintance.

Aapi is a machine learning based intelligent chatbot designed to provide human-like conversation. Chatbot is created with intention to shorten the gap between business and customer. Similarly Aapi initially is build to increase educational efficiency by reducing the gap between a student and college.

Aapi is build with passion and love by 3 friends Pranav Dalvi, Aditya Dorge and Omkar Pawar on 12th April 2022.

Technologies Used:

  • Python3
  • Django Framework
  • Tensorflow
  • NLTK
  • Numpy
  • JavaScript

How to run ChatBot on your computer 🤔

  • To understand the steps given below, you should know how to create a new Django project and a Python virtual environment.
  1. Download the required libraries from requirements.txt (Python virtual environment is required).
  2. Create a new Django project. (why? Because we will need a secret key to run the project).
  3. Open the newly created Django project and copy the full string of secret key from settings.py.
  4. Now open the ChatBot project then open the project folder and create a new file named as .env and paste the secret key.
  • .env file should look like this:
SECRET_KEY = 'dlm*zt#1-3g!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  1. Do the migrations and run the project.