

Test mongoDB aggregations


Prerequesites: You need to have docker and docker-compose installed. (docker --version to make sure you have it)

  1. docker-compose build

  2. docker-compose up -d

  3. [Optional] To detach your console, you can press CTRL+P and CTRL+Q

  4. [Optional] Make sure your container is running: docker-compose ps

  5. [Optional] Make sure Mongo is listening: curl localhost:27018

Download dataset RC_2015-1:

We are going to use Reddit comment dump shared by reddit user \Stuck_In_the_Matrix (thank you!)

Import Reddit Dataset

  1. docker exec -i -t mongo-db /bin/bash
  2. mongo
  3. Create a new reddit database and comments collection
  4. Exit mongo
  5. From Host: Unzip RC_2015-01 file and move it to ./shared folder
  6. From Container: cd /shared and mongoimport --db reddit --collection comments --file RC_2015-01

Run aggregations
