
This module provides complement functions for lib NetworkX

Primary LanguagePython

##EkiNetworkX - Custom functions to compute networkX graph



Install with pip:

pip install ekiNx

Example of usage:

>>> from ekiNx import core
>>> core.proclamer()


This module provides complement functions for lib NetworkX

Function to compute bipartite graph and project to one set of nodes

FromDataFrame :

  • INPUT:

    • data is a pandas dataframe
    • u is the name of column for node 'projected'
    • v is the name of column for node to project
    • w is the name of column for weight
    • alpha is a threshold to map or not a edge

    • compute numpy array (dim 2 N)
    • U: are nodes projected
    • V: are node to project
    • E: edges with weight attributes if weight columns filled

mapBipartite :

  • create biGraph and map nodes/edges
  • INPUT:
    • U nodes 'projected'
    • V nodes to project
    • E: edges with weight attributes if weight columns filled
    • g: networkX biGraph

projectGraph :

  • create biGraph and map nodes/edges
  • INPUT:
    • U biGraph a bigraph networkX object
    • V is the set on
    • weight_function to compute edges weight ( for instance jaccard)
    • g: networkX object representing a undirected graph

graphFromPandasAdjancyMatrix :

  • map nodes and edges from adjancy matrix:
  • INPUT:
    • data is a pandas object representing an adjacency matrix
    • g: anetworkX object representing a undirected graph each node contain is label with column label


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