
@article{Chronos-tool, author = "Xianfeng Li and Yun Liang and Tulika Mitra and Abhik Roychoudury", title = "Chronos: A Timing Analyzer for Embedded Software", journal="Science of Computer Programming", volume="69", number="1-3", pages="56-67" year = "2007", note = "\url{http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~rpembed/chronos}" }

Primary LanguageC

gui program execution analysis

click "open file"

call openDirectory() in MainFrame

  1. check whether having set the directory of gcc,lp_solver and simplesim
  2. set work dir and path
  3. call shell.callrm() //run rm.sh, rm *.cfg and loop.info
  4. call shell.callCompile() //run compile.sh, question:in compile.sh Ln 27 $dis?, Ln 37 $est answer: $dis calls a program to disassemble the compiled obj file and generates an obj.dis file to record the assemble code and information answer: $est calls cfg function to generate an obj.cfg file which record the block information and edge connection.