
Furby emulator

Primary LanguageAssembly

Notes on the Furby scanned source.

The scan appears to contain the contents of several files:

   page 1:

      cover page, not part of the source code

   pages 2-108:

      Untitled file, presumable something like "Furby.asm".

      Note that the file is incomplete; the last page ends mid-routine.

   pages 109-110:

      Note that the file is incomplete; the last page ends mid-routine.

      Referenced as an include file on page 19 of Furby.ASM

   pages 111-115


      Referenced as an include file on page 78 of Furby.ASM

   pages 116-125


      Referenced as an include file on page 21 of Furby.ASM

   pages 126-296


      Not referenced in Furby.asm.

The labels "TI_reset" and "Name_table" are not defined in the scanned document.

The code defining the reset and interrupt vectors is missing..