Aad Pod Identity enables applications running in pods on Kubernetes clusters deployed on Azure(managed or unmanaged) to securely access cloud resources by leveraging Azure Active Directory(AAD). Administrators can configure identities and bindings, to match pods with identities. Following this, without any code modifications, the applications running within the pod can access any cloud resources that depend on AAD as Identity Provider. The administrator interactions with the aad-pod-identity are via Kubernetes primitives.
The detailed design of the project can be found in the following docs:
This controller watches for relevant changes to pods, identities, and bindings through the API server. When a change is detected it runs a loop to check if there are actions to be performed. Based on the change detected MIC would either add or delete assigned identities. In case of user assigned identity usage, MIC is responsible for assigning it to the underlying VM in which the pod gets scheduled during pod creation. During pod deletion it would remove those identities from the VM. Similar steps are taken by MIC when identities or bindings are created or deleted.
The authorization request for fetching Service Principal Token from MSI endpoint is sent to a standard Instance Metadata endpoint which is redirected to the NMI pod by adding ruled to redirect POD CIDR traffic with metadata endpoint IP on port 80 to be sent to the NMI endpoint. The NMI server identifies the pod based on the remote address of the request and then queries the k8s (through MIC) for a matching Azure identity. It then makes an Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) request to get the token for the client id and returns as a response to the request. If the request had client id as part of the query it validates it against the admin configured client id.
Similarly a host can make an authorization request to fetch Service Principal Token for a resource directly from the NMI host endpoint ( The request must include the pod namespace podns
and the pod name podname
in the request header and the resource endpoint of the resource requesting the token. The NMI server identifies the pod based on the podns
and podname
in the request header and then queries k8s (through MIC) for a matching azure identity. Then NMI makes an ADAL request to get a token for the resource in the request, returns the token
and the clientid
as a response to the request.
An example cURL command:
curl -H "podname: nginx-flex-kv-int" -H "podns: default"
A running k8s cluster on Azure using AKS or AKS Engine
Deploy the infrastructure with the following command to deploy MIC, NMI, and the MIC CRDs on an RBAC enabled cluster.
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/aad-pod-identity/master/deploy/infra/deployment-rbac.yaml
and for non-RBAC clusters:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/aad-pod-identity/master/deploy/infra/deployment.yaml
Get the client id and resource id for the identity
az identity create -g <resourcegroup> -n <managedidentity-resourcename>
Edit and save this as aadpodidentity.yaml
Set type: 0
for User Assigned MSI; type: 1
for Service Principal
apiVersion: "aadpodidentity.k8s.io/v1"
kind: AzureIdentity
name: <a-idname>
type: 0
ResourceID: /subscriptions/<subid>/resourcegroups/<resourcegroup>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/<managedidentity-resourcename>
ClientID: <clientid>
kubectl create -f aadpodidentity.yaml
The system will match pod
to identity
across namespaces by default. This behavior can be modified to match to pods within the namespace that holds AzureIdentity
- On Azure Identity basis, by adding
aadpodidentity.k8s.io/Behavior: namespaced
annotation (You have to add the annotation on eachAzureIdentity
you want to apply this behavior on). - Default namespaced behavior on all identities by adding
argument on the command line or declareFORCENAMESPACED=true
environment variable (for bothnmi
Edit and save this as aadpodidentitybinding.yaml. Note the AzureIdentity name must match the one chosen in aadpodidentity.yaml.
apiVersion: "aadpodidentity.k8s.io/v1"
kind: AzureIdentityBinding
name: demo1-azure-identity-binding
AzureIdentity: <a-idname>
Selector: <label value to match>
kubectl create -f aadpodidentitybinding.yaml
The name of the identity which we created earlier needs to be filled in AzureIdentity. For a pod to match a binding, it should have a label with the key 'aadpodidbinding' whose value matches the Selector field in the binding above.
Here an example pod with the label specified:
$ kubectl get po busybox0 --show-labels
busybox0 1/1 Running 10 10h aadpodidbinding=select_it,app=busybox0
This pod will match the binding below:
apiVersion: "aadpodidentity.k8s.io/v1"
kind: AzureIdentityBinding
name: test-azure-id-binding
AzureIdentity: "test-azure-identity"
Selector: "select_it"
This step is only required if you are using User assigned MSI and if you are using AKS or aks-engine.
MIC uses the service principal credentials stored within the Kubernetes cluster on Azure cluster to access azure resources. This service principal needs to have Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/*/assign/action permission on the identity for usage with User assigned MSI. If your identity is created in the same resource group as that of the AKS nodes (typically this resource group is prefixed with 'MC_' string and is automatically generated when you create the cluster), you can skip the next steps.
Find the service principal used by your cluster - please refer the AKS docs to figure out the service principle app Id. For example, if your cluster uses automatically generated service principal, the ~/.azure/aksServicePrincipal.json file in the machine from which you created the AKS cluster has the required information.
Assign the required permissions - the following command can be used to assign the required permission:
az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee <sp id> --scope <full id of the managed identity>
The demo program can be found here: cmd/demo. It demonstrates how after setting the identity and binding the sample app can list the vms in a resurce group. To deploy the demo app, ensure you have completed the above prerequisite steps!
Here are some excerpts from the demo.
spt, err := adal.NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI(msiEndpoint, resource)
import "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/auth"
authorizer, err := auth.NewAuthorizerFromEnvironment()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("failed NewAuthorizerFromEnvironment %+v", authorizer)
vmClient := compute.NewVirtualMachinesClient(subscriptionID)
vmClient.Authorizer = authorizer
vmlist, err := vmClient.List(context.Background(), resourceGroup)
The user assigned identity should be assigned 'Reader' role on the resource group for performing the vm listing. Use the principalid of your user assigned identity to do it:
az role assignment create --role Reader --assignee <principalid> --scope /subscriptions/<subscriptionid>/resourcegroups/<resourcegroup>
Update the deploy/demo/deployment.yaml
arguments with your subscription, clientID and resource group.
kubectl create -f deploy/demo/deployment.yaml
The NMI pods modify the nodes iptables to intercept calls to Azure Instance Metadata endpoint. This allows NMI to assert identities assigned to pod before executing the request on behalf of the caller. These iptable entries will be cleaned up when the pod-identity pods are uninstalled. However if the pods are terminated because of other reasons (non actionable signals), they can be manually removed with
#remove the custom chain reference
iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j aad-metadata
#flush the custom chain
iptables -t nat -F aad-metadata
#remove the custom chain
iptables -t nat -X aad-metadata
A detailed tutorial can be found here: docs/tutorial/README.md.
Information about how to debug this project can be found at Debugging
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