
An x86 boot pager (real to protected mode, IDE backed virtual memory, no BIOS) in 512-byes of assembly.

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; oiu boot pager code (oiuboot.asm) by Charles Perkins.
; This code may be freely included in any project which is distributed 
; under the Gnu Programming License (GPL.)
; For inclusion any more or less restrictive project please contact me
; (chuck@memetech.com) for permission. I will give it--I'm just curious
; about who might like to use this boot pager.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The boot sector and primitive pager (LBA IDE x86) for oiu
; This 512 byte boot sector performs the following operations:
; Create an IDT
; Load the GDTR and IDTR
; Switch to protected mode
; Jump to a 32-bit ring 0 code segment
; Load the other segment registers with 32-bit ring 0 data descriptors
; Establish the top of stack
; Create the page directory and a page table 
; Enable Paging
; Enable the A20 line
; Reprogram the first PIC
; Jump to a not-present page
; When a page fault occurs, the code does the following:
; Intercept the page fault
; Determine the faulting page
; Calculate the correct sectors to load from disk
; Load eight sectors from the disk
; Resume execution
; This primitive pager assumes a linear identity mapped address space.
; The first megabyte is presumed to be scratch-pad or device memory and is
; not paged--the first page (8 sectors) on the hard drive correspond to
; the first actual page of memory above the 1M mark. The maximum addressable
; virtual memory equals the actual amount of physical memory--the pager is
; simply used as a mechanism for getting a working system image from hard
; drive storage into actual RAM. The primitive pager does not write pages
; back to disk.
; No faults other than a page fault are handled. At all. There are no error
; messages or faults presented to the user--the code either works (in which
; case the VM location jumped to may include a routine to present the user 
; with a welcome message) or the system loops forever, or the system triple-
; faults. Interrupts are left disabled.
; This NASM source file is padded to create a boot sector and further padded
; to create either a 1.44M floppy image or an 8M hard disk image (17 cylinders,
; 16 heads, 63 sectors per track) that both Bochs and VMWare can use and that
; (in the case of the 1.44M image) can be rawritten for testing on a real Pentium.
; Assemble with NASM: nasm -fbin oiuboot.asm