I use ArchLinux as Linux distribution and i3 as windows manager, this repo is my config. The packages I explicitly installed are in packages.txt.
You can use config/i3/nord.sh
(nord) and config/i3/cat.sh
(catppuccin) to change the theme.
- Font:
- Launcher:
- Terminal: alacritty
- Editor:
- Compositor: picom-ftlabs
- Shell:
- PDF reader:
- Notification daemon: dunst
- Volume notificator: xob
- Screen locker:
- Theme controler:
- kvantum
- qt5ct
- See details in archwiki-qt and archwiki-gtk
- Gtk and Qt themes:
- Icon theme: Zafiro-Nord-Dark-Black
- Cursor Theme: Nordic cursors See details in archwiki-cursor
Firefox Theme: minimal-functional-fox(bugs after version 113.0)- Fcitx5 Theme:
- Wallpaper Manage: feh
- Bar: polybar
- File browser:
- Screen shot: flameshot
- Startpage: Bento
- Temperature manager: gummy