
An example Twitter UI app

Primary LanguageCSSISC LicenseISC


by Charles Daniel

An example Twitter UI app written in NodeJS (backend) and Angular-Material (frontend).


$ git clone https://github.com/charlesdaniel/twitter-app.git

$ cd twitter-app/
$ npm install
$ cp example.config.js config.js

Now get a dev account and setup an App configuration on Twitter’s API site via https://apps.twitter.com/ . You should get a Consumer Key and a Consumer Secret when you’re done creating the App. Copy that Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to the config.js file in the twitter-app/ directory.

Change the callback_url in config.js to have the correct fully qualified domain name of where you’ll be running this server so that the Twitter OAuth redirection will work correctly.

Change the session_keys in config.js to an array set of random strings (this is used as the key in encrypting the session cookie on the user’s browser).

Optionally change the server_port in config.js to whatever port you like.


$ node server.js

Test the server by pointing your browser at the hostname for the server and using the port specified in the config.js (default is port 3000).