
Proof of concept text prediction service with Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageRuby


For more information about this project check https://hlml.blog/2021/05/30/actual-text-prediction/ and the follow-up post.

Screen shot

It's a proof of concept for text prediction without using neural nets in Ruby on Rails.

It is not really intended that folks try and download and build this project themselves - more a hobby project for my own interest and blog site. Maybe I'll get round to building a Heroku Button for a one-click install...

If you are interested, it's a pretty standard Rails 6 app with ajax calls, but it uses PostgreSQL (especially the array datatype) so you'll need to do the general Rails set-up stuff with bundle install and rake db:setup. You'll need yarn to be installed, and install all the packages needed for webpacker. rails s will run webpacker to compile the Javascript assets

Once all that's done, tests can be run with rspec spec, but the request specs that require a real browser might cause grief. The main guts of the application is in the models anyway - so rspec spec/models/ is the most important part to get running.

The UI does not have a way to added new languages to the system. You'll need to do this with the rails console (rails c) and then run something like this for whatever language you want:

Language.create(language: 'English')

database.yml file is configured to support unicode encodings, so you should be good to use languages that don't just use the Latin alphabet.