"row-1":"What's a Compar-a-lator (and why did we build it)?",
"row-2":"Choose your input and comparison type.",
"row-3":"You can filter the results!",
"row-4":"Choose day and hour window.",
"row-5":"Your Underlying data."
"body": { "row-1": "'s a calculator for comparing things; in this case, the ballots recorded for each of the two 2020 US Presidential candidates.", "row-2":"Comparisons are based upon precinct, identified by a 'FIPS' designator. So, if you want to see a simple total of votes for both candidates in each precinct, choose 'Biden' '+' 'Trump' and the math will be done for you. If you choose difference ('-'), note that results less than zero will not be shown.", "row-3":"Use the slider to filter results by upper and lower thresholds. Colorscale will automatically realign with the new range.", "row-4":"See how the results changed over the days following Nov 3, 2020 (because in some places, they did). Note the NYT dataset began reporting election results early on Nov 4, 2020.", "row-5":"Your results appear along with the underlying data. Note that you can filter these results. Be aware of the 'case sensitivity toggle.' This uses Dash's filtering syntax which is intuitive enough but if you need details see here:" },