
Release your ruby gems with ease. (What a bold statement for such a tiny plugin ...)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

gem release Build Status

This gem plugin adds a bootstrap, bump, tag and a release command to the rubygems gem command.

The bump command

  • bumps the version number defined in lib/[gem_name]/version.rb to the next major, minor or patch level or to a given, particular version number

The tag command

  • executes git tag -am "tag [tag_name]" [tag_name] and
  • executes git push --tags origin

... with tag_name being the version number as specified in your .gemspec preceded by v (e.g. v0.0.1).

The release command

  • builds a gem from your gemspec and
  • pushes it to rubygems.org
  • deletes the gem file
  • optionally invokes the tag command

The gemspec command

  • generates an initial [gem_name].gemspec file with sane defaults (will overwrite an existing gemspec)

The bootstrap command

  • generates an initial [gem_name].gemspec file with sane defaults and scaffolds: lib/[gem_name]/version.rb, README.md, test/
  • optionally inits a git repo, creates it on github and pushes it to github (requires git config for github.user and github.token to be set)


Obviously ...

$ gem install gem-release


$ gem release your.gemspec       # builds the gem and pushes it to rubygems.org
$ gem release                    # uses the first *.gemspec in the current working directory
$ gem release --tag              # also executes gem tag

$ gem tag                        # creates a git tag and pushes tags to the origin repository

$ gem gemspec                    # generates a [gem_name].gemspec using  Dir["{lib/**/*,[A-Z]*}"]
$ gem gemspec --strategy gig     # uses s.files = `git ls-files app lib`.split("\n")

$ gem bootstrap                  # generates a [gem_name].gemspec using the current directory name
                                 #  and scaffolds lib/[gem_name]/version.rb, README, test/
$ gem bootstrap your_gem         # creates a your_gem directory, bootstraps your_gem and inits a git repo
$ gem bootstrap --github         # inits a git repo, creates it on github and pushes it to github
                                 # (requires git config for github.user and github.token to be set)

$ gem bump                       # Bump the gem version to the next patch level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 0.0.2)
$ gem bump --version 1.1.1       # Bump the gem version to the given version number
$ gem bump --version major       # Bump the gem version to the next major level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 1.0.0)
$ gem bump --version minor       # Bump the gem version to the next minor level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 0.1.0)
$ gem bump --version patch       # Bump the gem version to the next patch level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 0.0.2)
$ gem bump --push                # Bump and git push to origin
$ gem bump --tag                 # Bump and tag gem and pushes tags to the origin repository
$ gem bump --release             # Bump and release gem
$ gem bump --tag --release       # Bump, tag, push and release gem
$ gem bump --no-commit           # Bump the gem version but don't git commit
                                 #  (will be ignored if combined with push, tag or release)

When bumping versions for a gem named foo-bar, the following paths will be searched in order for version.rb:


The first version.rb file encountered will be considered definitive for the gem and will be bumped.

If the current directory (and subdirectories) contain multiple *.gemspec files, then each of these gems will be bumped to the same version. gem-release will search the above paths, relative to the directory of the gemspec file, for matching version.rb files and bump the version in each of them. The version will either be the version specified with the --version option or the next patch level for the first version.rb file encountered.


MIT License