
Cordova Plugin For Google Play Games Services.

Includes the new Google Play Services (GoogleApiAvailability) and methods for Leaderboards (will develop Achievements later).


cordova plugin add --variable APP_ID=you_app_id_here



Sign in

You should do this as soon as your deviceready event has been fired. The plugin handles the various auth scenarios for you.

cordova.plugins.gameservices.signIn((response) => {

Sign out

You should provide the option for users to sign out

cordova.plugins.gameservices.signOut((response: string) => {
    if (response == 'OK') {
      //signOut successful

Auth status

To check if the user is already logged in (eg. to determine weather to show the Log In or Log Out button), use the following

cordova.plugins.gamesservices.isSignedIn((response: string) => {
	if (response === 'SignedIn') {
    //signIn successful

Player Information

Get player score information for a given leaderboard.

cordova.plugins.gamesservices.getPlayerScore( { leaderboardId } );


Submit Score

Ensure you have had a successful callback from window.plugins.gameservices.signIn() first before attempting to submit a score. You should also have set up your leaderboard(s) in Google Play Game Console and use the leaderboard identifier assigned there as the leaderboardId.

cordova.plugins.gameservices.submitScore( { score, leaderboardId });

Sumit Score Now

Ensure you have had a successful callback from window.plugins.gameservices.signIn() first before attempting to submit a score. You should also have set up your leaderboard(s) in Google Play Game Console and use the leaderboard identifier assigned there as the leaderboardId.

This method submit the score immediately.

cordova.plugins.gameservices.submitScoreNow({ score, leaderboardId });

Show specific leaderboard

Launches directly into the specified leaderboard:

cordova.plugins.gameservices.getTopScores( { leaderboardId });


Currently, only Android is supported


MIT License