
Estimates Vertica table compression ratio

Primary LanguagePython


A Python version of the compression ratio estimation script (located at scripts/collect_diag_dump.sh in the Vertica installation directory).

The script deviates from collect_diag_dump.sh in a few minor ways:

  1. Stores output into a table for further analysis with SQL.
  2. Maintains a history of estimates for comparison over time.

This script uses the same sampling method used by collect_diag_dump.sh to estimate average uncompressed bytes per row. It also uses the same query logic to calculate compressed sizes within Vertica, though I've modified the query to support the stored history.


usage: compression.py [-h] [--driver DRIVER] [--host HOST] 
                      [--user USER] [--tmpdir TMPDIR]

positional arguments:
  dbname           database name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --driver DRIVER  odbc driver (default: HPVertica)
  --host HOST      database host (default: localhost)
  --user USER      database user (default: current user)
  --tmpdir TMPDIR  tempfile location (default: cwd)


The script uses pyodbc for interaction with Vertica. Rather than relying on an odbc.ini file, it builds a connection string from arguments passed so that it can re-use the credentials in the sampling calls to vsql.

The included odbcinst.ini contains the entry for the script's default HPVertica driver.


I encountered pyodbc issue 78 using the packaged pyodbc on CentOS. This was corrected by uninstalling the package and doing pip install pyodbc to get a version newer than 2.1.7. On CentOS you'll need to install the unixODBC-devel package so that pip can compile pyodbc.