Polygon Simplification Service

Getting Started


  • Docker

Running the Service

Build the container and run the service

docker-compose up -d --build

The service will be available at http://localhost:8002

Stopping the container and service

docker-compose stop


To view the logs, first find the container ID

docker ps -a

Then follow the logs

docker logs --follow <container_id>

Additional information

The current (MVP) implementation uses Geopandas (built on Pandas, Shapely, Fiona, and others) to do the simplification and only accepts shapefiles as a zip. It uses Fiona to determine the number of features and points, and will re-run the simplification with an increased tolerance to get under 5000 points (the CMR limit). Ability to work with geojson and kml has not been added but should be easy to implement.

Other commands

Sample endpoint call (with a file path from the current directory)

curl -o output.zip -F file=@path/to/file/sample.zip 'http://localhost:8002/simplify_polygon/shapefile/geopandas'

API documentation (from OpenAPI formerly Swagger) (documentation needs some improvement) localhost:8002/docs

Tests are not fully functional at the moment, but to run the tests when the container is running:

docker-compose exec web pytest .