
Just a simple use example of the conv2d_transpose function in TensorFlow. Its run on MNIST.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Just a simple use example of the conv2d_transpose function in TensorFlow. Its run on MNIST. I was having a little trouble understanding the transpose conv stuff so I thought I would upload share my simple example

Why All Convnet Autoecoder

All Convnet Autoencoder can be pretty powerful. They allow you to use modern network architetures on the image autoencoder problems. I havnet seen too many papers on them but I havnt been looking very hard. The best source I have seen explaining convolutional transpose is here.

How well it do

I does ok. Having it reduce to a whopping 245 dimentions (mnist is 784) works well. I dont have a gpu right now so I cant test it out too well. It was geting stuck in local optima like crazy so I put dropout on the first layer at 20%. I have trained it to do this!

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