Drip Account Manager helps you manage your DRIP accounts. It provides a simple and easy to use user interface to interact with the DRIP smart contracts without the need of using wallets such as metamask.
- A single json file is used define all your accounts.
- You must provide all the necessary details in order for the application to pull and perform smart contract interaction.
- A accounts-sample.json is provided as a sample template.
- Clone the repository
- Create a accounts.json to define the accounts you want to manage
- Put the accounts.json in the data folder.
- install node & yarn
# install nvm (https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#installing-and-updating)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
# go to project, open terminal, install node version (this installs node version defined in .nvmrc)
nvm install
nvm use
# install yarn via npm
npm install -g yarn
yarn -v
- run drip-manager
# make sure all dependencies are installed
yarn install
# run drip-manager
yarn dev
# audit dependencies (optional)
yarn audit
- application is now running on http://localhost:3000/
- Open a new terminal to run drip-manager-bot
- cd drip-manager-bot
# make sure all dependencies are installed
yarn install
# run drip-manager-bot (make sure that the drip-manager is running)
yarn start-bot
# audit dependencies (optional)
yarn audit
- The accounts.json file never leaves your local machine.
- The details defined in the accounts.json is never sent to some server to be stored.
- All the source codes are publicly available here on Github.
- alternatingRollClaimStrategy
- Perform alternataing roll & claim each time the dollar threshold is met.
- alternatingRollClaimSwapStrategy
- Perform alternataing roll & claim each time the dollar threshold is met.
- Each time a claim is executed, it also performs swap or selling of the token for BNB.
- alternatingRollClaimSwapPercentageStrategy
- Perform alternataing roll & claim each time the dollar threshold percentage (%) is met.
- Each time a claim is executed, it also performs swap or selling of the token for BNB.
- alternatingRollClaimSwapRatioPercentageStrategy
- Perform roll & claim each time the dollar threshold percentage (%) is met.
- Each time a claim is executed, it also performs swap or selling of the token for BNB.
- Roll / Claim action is based on rollClaimRatio
- Example: "rollClaimRatio": 2, // performs 2 roll, 1 claim/swap
- continuousRollStrategy
- Perform roll each time the dollar threshold is met.
- continuousRollPercentageStrategy
- Perform roll each time the dollar threshold percentage (%) is met.
- Also performs automatic claim & swap if theres not enough bnb in the wallet.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a working branch and start with your changes!
- Commit your update
- When you're finished with the changes, create a pull request, also known as a PR
- We will review your PR and merge them.