
Convert .har file from Chrome dev tools to a flow for artillery stress testing tool

Primary LanguagePython

This simple script converts .har files to Artillery yml script. You can use it to simulate a stress test on your website.


Clone this repository in your local machine

git clone https://github.com/charlesmst/artillery-har-to-yaml

cd artillery-har-to-yaml

Install python requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Using the script

  • Open your target website on chrome
  • Press f12 to open chrome dev tools and go to the Network tab
  • Refresh your page and navigate through your website
  • When you are done, click in Export Har button
  • With that .har file run this script. For this example, we will use a .har from Hackernews I generated in my machine
  • python convert-har-to-flow.py ./example/new.ycombinator.com.har ./example/hacker-news-example.yml

  • Now you can run artillery on that script
  • artillery run example/hacker-news-example.yml

  • You can also customize the generated scenario phases according to artillery docs.


In config.py you can customize the script to ignore certain requests by the url parts(IGNORE_EXT). It has some defaults to ignore sockets and static files.

You can also change the CONVERT_THINK option. When this option is true, the delays between requests is converted to think operations for artillery, adding delays between requests.