A lightweight Cylinder3D model with much higher performance is now available!!!
cardwing opened this issue · 0 comments
Recently, we have released a lightweight Cylinder3D model with much higher performance here. In this codebase, the reproduced Cylinder3D model is 2.9 point higher than the original Cylinder3D model in SemanticKITTI test set (single-scan). Besides, the released models achieve competitive performance in three benchmarks, i.e., ranks 1st in Waymo 3D Semantic Segmentation Challenge, ranks 1st in SemanticKITTI LiDAR Semantic Segmentation Challenge (single-scan) and ranks 2nd in SemanticKITTI LiDAR Semantic Segmentation Challenge (multi-scan). The trained model has been used in one NeurIPS 2022 submission! More LiDAR semantic segmentation models will be supported in the future. Do not hesitate to use the trained models!