
Demonstrate how to enable FIPS mode in OpenSSL in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Enabling FIPS mode in OpenSSL in Python

This document describes how to enable FIPS mode in OpenSSL in Python. If you don't have a compliance reason to enable FIPS mode, you probably shouldn't do it.

The approach for setting FIPS varies depending on the version of OpenSSL Python is linked against, but in both cases, we use Python's ctypes to interact directly with the OpenSSL library. Setting FIPS mode should be done as early as possible in the exceution of the Python program before any cryptographic operations are run.

All of this requires a FIPS-enabled build of OpenSSL. Red Hat's Universal Basic Images serve as good demonstrators, but other distributions may also work.

To demonstrate that FIPS mode has been activated, we attempt to load a non-compliant algorithm for a digest. First, observe that normally (in non-FIPS mode) we can load the an MD5 hash:

import hashlib


OpenSSL 1.x

In OpenSSL 1.x, we can explicitly set FIPS mode using FIPS_mode_set():

from ctypes import CDLL

# Might be "libcrypto.so.10" or some other name
libcrypto = CDLL("libcrypto.so.1.1")
assert libcrypto.FIPS_mode_set(1) != 0
assert libcrypto.FIPS_mode() == 1

import hashlib

# Expect this to fail with an error like:
# ValueError: [digital envelope routines: EVP_DigestInit_ex] disabled for FIPS

# Expect this to succeed

OpenSSL 3.x

OpenSSL 3 completely changed its API for enabling FIPS mode. From OpenSSL's fips_module man page:

Note that the old functions FIPS_mode() and FIPS_mode_set() are no longer present so you must remove them from your application if you use them.

The easiest approach to enabling FIPS is to enable it system-wide, as described in "Making all applications use the FIPS module by default". If, for whatever reason you don't want to do that, we can follow the approach outlined in "Programmatically loading the FIPS module (default library context)" using ctypes like above.

from ctypes import CDLL

libcrypto = CDLL("libcrypto.so.3")
assert libcrypto.OSSL_PROVIDER_load(None, b"fips") != 0
assert libcrypto.OSSL_PROVIDER_load(None, b"base") != 0
assert libcrypto.EVP_set_default_properties(None, b"fips=yes") == 1

import hashlib

# Expect this to fail with an error like:
# ValueError: unsupported hash type md5(in FIPS mode)

# Expect this to succeed