
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🤖 templatron

templatron is a harness for running copier.

During an update, it performs the following actions, in order:

  1. Validates its configuration
  2. Ensures the clone-root directory exists to clone repos into
  3. Clones the template provided as a command line argument
  4. Loads and validates the template's config
  5. Using the template config, determines which repos will have the template applied
  6. For each repo, performs the following
    1. Checks the following to see if the repo needs its templated files updated
      1. Does the repo already have an open PR for this version of the template?
        1. If yes, skip this repo
      2. Has the repo been configured to have the template applied to it?
        1. If no, skip this repo
      3. Has the latest version of the template already been applied to the repo?
        1. If yes, skip this repo
    2. Finds and closes any unmerged PRs and their associated branches from older versions of the template
    3. Creates a new update branch (See Branch Names for details)
    4. Runs copier to apply the latest version of the template to the update branch
    5. Pushes the changes applied by copier to the update branch
    6. Opens a PR from the update branch
  7. If autoclean is set (it's set by default), removes all repos from the clone-root directory

Branch Names

Branch names are deterministic. They follow this pattern:

  • branch-prefix is configurable, as is the branch-separator (though -, shown above, is the default)
  • repo-template-name is the name of the template that was applied to generate the branch
  • repo-template-sha is the short commit hash of the HEAD of the repo template at the time it was applied

Stale Branches

Since templatron uses a deterministic branch name, it can find and clean up branches it has opened that were never merged. It can also identify the PRs associated with those branches and close them before deleting the branches.

The exception to this is if the repo's branch-prefix or branch-separator configuration changes. In that case, templatron may create a new branch for the same version of a repo's template or fail to clean up old branches and PRs, because the branch names it's looking for no longer match.

Commit Messages

Currently, the commit message is controlled by templatron/commit_template.py

ci: update files from {template}

bringing common files in template up to date
template: {template}
branch: {branch}
commit: {commit}
  • template is the name of the template that was applied
  • branch is the branch of the template (main or master typically)
  • commit is the hash of HEAD of the branch


This repo uses poetry, and defines user (normal) and dev dependencies.

To install them all:

poetry install
poetry run templatron --help

To install only the user dependencies (and not the dev dependencies):

poetry install --without dev
poetry run templatron --help

If you don't want to bother with poetry, you can use pipx instead:

pipx install .
templatron --help

🤖 templatron also installs as tt:

poetry install
tt --help


pipx install .
tt --help



When running inside a container, the following environment variables must all be set:


When running natively, if you have a .gitconfig with user.name and user.email defined, and accessible to Python, only GITHUB_TOKEN is required.

GITHUB_TOKEN is actually configurable in the config yaml you pass at runtime. The others are core to git and can not be changed.


$ templatron --help
Usage: templatron [OPTIONS] TEMPLATE COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --autoclean / --no-autoclean    remove clones from disk after running
  -r, --clone-root TEXT           path to clone repos
  -d, --dry-run                   don't push changes to cloned repos
  -b, --template-branch TEXT      branch of the template to sync from
  -t, --template-config TEXT      path inside the template repo where its
                                  config is stored
  -e, --token-variable-name TEXT  name of the environment variable storing the
                                  GitHub token
  -l, --log-level TEXT
  --logging-config FILE           path to logging_config.yaml
  --config FILE                   Read configuration from FILE.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  onboard  onboard a repo to be updated by a template
  update   update repos already configured for a template


templatron is configured in multiple places via yaml

--config path

Anything that can be passed to templatron via command line options can be configured in a YAML file whose path can be passed via the --config flag.

  • autoclean: (default: true) determines whether templatron removes the cloned repos from disk after running. You probably want this to be true, because templatron does not attempt to change branches or pull before running. Setting to false should probably only be used for troubleshooting or inspecting changes.
  • clone-root: (default: /tmp/templatron_clones) is the root directory where repos will be cloned. You DO NOT want this to be $WORKDIR, for the reasons stated in autoclean description.
  • dry-run: (default: false) enable dry-run mode for all repos. dry-run mode is special and has its own configuration sub-section below.
  • template-branch: (default: main or master depending on which the template repo uses) which branch of the template should be checked out and run to update desintation repos
  • template-config: (default: templatron.yaml) the path inside the template where the template's templatron config lives (see Template Config)
  • token-variable-name: (default: GITHUB_TOKEN) the name of the environment variable where you've stored your Github API token.
  • log-level: (default: varies) the log level. if dry-run mode is enabled, defaults to DEBUG. if sub-command is update defaults to INFO. if sub-command is onboard, defaults to ERROR.
  • logging-config: allows extra control over logging (see Logging Config)

Template Config

Lives in the template repo (default location templatron.yaml). Config options:

  • answers-file: (default: .copier-answers.yml) the path in the destination repo where the config for how this template is applied to it by copier is stored
  • autoscan: (default: False) if enabled, autoscan clones every repo in the default org that isn't a fork, and isn't archived. if that repo has an answers-file it is added to the list of repos that will have the template run against them.
  • branch-prefix: (default: templatron) See Branch Names above
  • branch-separator: (default: /) See Branch Names above
  • dry-run: (default: False) run templatron in dry-run mode
  • hooks: hooks can run scripts at certain points during the onboarding and / or updating operations. see hooks for more details
  • old-answers-files: this is a list of answersfiles that used to be, but are no longer used. when running autoscan, tempaltron will run against a repo if the current answers file is missing, but one of the old-answers-files is present. You'll need to include a pre-copier hook to git mv the old answers file to the current location, or else your answers WILL NOT be loaded during the update.
  • org: the default GitHub organization or user if one isn't supplied on the CLI or in the repos list for a repo (see Determining Repos and Orgs). templatron assumes all repos belong to a GitHub organization (rather than a user) when making API calls. If GitHub's API returns a 404 when making a get_organization call, templatron will automatically retry with get_user instead.
  • repos: The list of repos this template should be applied to. Each repo can be just the name of the repo, or a map with its own config custom to it, whose keys match the ones in the top level of this config.
  • shard: Shard setting can be weekly or monthly. Sharding can be used to reduce the number of repos that will be updated when running templatron update. The expectation is that a shard-ed config is running daily via CI, and that either 1/7th or 1/30th of the repos should be updated per day.

Logging Config

With the exception of dependency-level, these settings match Python standard config settings for logging. These settings are explicitly passed to logging.basicConfig, so arbitrary supported configuration options for the Python standard logging will not be passed.

  • datefmt (default: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") allows timestamp format to be changed independently of the rest of the logging format.

  • filename (default: not set) path to the file to write logs. By leaving this unset, logs are printed to the console, which is preferable for running in containers and in Jenkins.

  • format (default: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s - %(name)s: %(message)s") The format of the logs.

    Example output:

    2021-06-18 11:40:56 WARNING - Templatron: DRY RUN MODE ENABLED!
    2021-06-18 11:40:56 INFO    - Templatron: Nothing will be changed inside repos. No branches will be created, no PRs will be opened. Cloning and cleanup will happen as needed.
    2021-06-18 11:40:56 INFO    - Templatron: started!
  • level (default: info) log level for templatron

  • dependency-level (default: warn) log level for imported dependencies. Note that these are manually re-configured in the code, so if dependencies are added, they may not be impacted by dependency-level without code changes.

Determining Repos and Orgs

A repo's org can be defined from org at the top level of the template config, or from org in its own repo config, but it can also be defined in-line with the repo name:

org: a-github-org
  - some-repo:
      org: a-different-github-org
  - a-third-github-org/some-other-repo


There are 6 different hooks:

  1. pre-clone: runs immediately before a repo is cloned
  2. post-clone: runs immediately after a repo is cloned
  3. pre-copier-hook: runs immediately before copier runs to apply the template
  4. post-copier-hook: runs immediately after copier runs to apply the template
  5. pre-push-hook: runs imediately before the git commit is pushed to origin
  6. post-push-hook: runs immediately after the git commit ish pushed to origin

Hooks shell out to run whatever the value of the key is.


  pre-copier-hook: my-hook.sh

With the above hook config, templatron will run my-hook.sh and then run copier to apply the template to the repo.

It is expected that hook scripts can receive these four arguments, in order:

  1. operation: either onboard or update. can be used to only run a hook on updates or only run a hook when onboarding a new repo
  2. clone root: the location templatron is cloning repos to. for hook scripts to be able to access the correct files on disk
  3. repo name: the name of the repo the hook is running against. can be used along with clone root to access files inside the repo.
  4. answers file: the path of the answers file relative to the root of the repo.


my-hook.sh onboard /tmp/templatron-clones destination-repo src/answers.yaml

in this example, the full path to the answers file templatron cloned to disk and will read from is /tmp/templatron-clones/destination-repo/src/answers.yaml.