Week 4 - Shrek, Paper, Scissors!

This week's challenge was to create a timed functioning trivia game that meets the following acceptance criteria:

  • GIVEN I am taking a code quiz
  • WHEN I click the Start button
    • THEN a timer starts and I am presented with a question
  • WHEN I answer a question
    • THEN I am presented with another question
  • WHEN I answer a question incorrectly
    • THEN time is subtracted from the clock
  • WHEN all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0
    • THEN the game is over
  • WHEN the game is over
    • THEN I can save my initials and score

The Game

My project "takes liberties" with the trivia aspect of the project, my game instead tasks the player with providing the correct answer to a rock, paper, scissors challenge.

While I believe my project still satisfies the acceptance criteria, it's lacking in polish and usability, a brief explainer is included below to compensate.

How to Play

This is a relatively simple rock, paper, scissors game following the regular triangular rules, ie. paper beats rock which beats scissors which beats paper but with a slight twist, you're presented with the opponents move immediately and must respond correctly within 5 seconds. Answering correctly within the first 2 will begin a combo that gives an exponential score multiplier until a cap is reached.

The game ends at 10 rounds unless you have a combo active, in which case the game will run extra rounds until you lose your combo state by answering slowly or incorrectly.

  • Please note that I didn't have time to make this scalable to different screen sizes, it is definitely best viewed at 1080p or close to it.
  • Second note - I had big plans for filling this page with more Shrek, images, sound clips for round feedback, but alas my vision will not be realized in time.


Deployed Game
