
MoneyPress - the master edition

Primary LanguagePHP

=== MoneyPress ===
Contributors: charlestonsw
Tags: affiliate, marketing, store, products, amazon, buyat, ebay, cafepress, commission junction, cj
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 3.5.1
Stable tag: 0.0.1
Plugin Name:  MoneyPress
Donate link: http://www.charlestonsw.com/product/moneypress/

List products from your affiliate accounts with ease.  Enter your affiliate relationship settings, put a shortcode on a page and start selling.

== Description ==

[MoneyPress](http://www.charlestonsw.com/product/moneypress/) is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to list products from your affiliate accounts.  Enter your affiliate relationship settings, put a shortcode on a page and start selling.

Visit the [CSA](http://www.charlestonsw.com/) website to learn more about [MoneyPress](http://www.charlestonsw.com/product/moneypress/).

The base plugin, [available for free from the WordPress Plugin Directory](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/moneypress) has all the features you need
to create your affiliate store product pages.  It is fully functional in its basic format.   Extended premium add-on packages will be made available from
the [CSA](http://www.charlestonsw.com/) website based on user input.

= Features =

* List products on your website with a simple shortcode.
* Currently connects to eBay.
* Future modules in the free edition will be added for Commission Junction, CafePress, Amazon, and BuyAt.

= Premium Add-Ons =

Premium add-on packages will be made available to extend the capabilities of this plugin.  None are available at this time.

If you are a plugin developer you will be interested in the new "Roll Your Own" program where you can create MoneyPress-based premium (or free) add-ons of your own.   Create something great and list it on our site!

= Support =

Support for the plugin can be found in the [WordPress Forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/moneypress).
If you have an urgent issue or want one-on-one support you can [purchase premium support](http://www.charlestonsw.com/product/product-support).

You can also view the [CSA Product Documentation](http://www.charlestonsw.com/support/documentation) for more information about the plugin.

= Special Requests =

I accept feature requests for all plugins. The most requested features will make it into the next version if time permits.

If you need something NOW, or are looking for something beyond a basic "tweak" of the plugin, please check out the
[Customization Service](http://www.charlestonsw.com/product/customization/).  

= Upgrades and Patches =

The main product will always remain fully functional and free.
If you'd like to have some of the latest "bells & whistles" purchasing a premium add-on is a great way to help support me and encourage even more items get added the next time around.

= My Philosophy =

I strive to create code that runs efficiently and without bugs.
In my opinion, well-written plugins are few and far between.
While there are plenty of plugins that look nice, far too many of those plugins, including the "cool shiny ones" have too many hidden problems.
I have found that over 90% of the plugins available on the WordPress plugin directory generate dozens, if not hundreds, of warnings and errors when you turn off the "hide all the problems" settings.

These hidden problems impact memory usage, fill up disk space, and reduce performance via the typical default logging settings.
While you may not see the errors on your WordPress site, they are still being tracked.
The more errors, the more disk I/O, the slower the app.

During 20+ years of software development, I have found that leaving "innocuous" warnings in place tends to lead to trouble further down the road.
Warnings today often become errors tomorrow.
Many programming languages, PHP included, continue to tighten security and close loopholes that are typically found living near all those warning messages.
Some warnings are telling you to "change this now, it will be gone tomorrow".
Eventually tomorrow will come.

While my plugins may not be the prettiest on the block, I do try to make sure that all the hidden stuff you don't see is designed as well as it can be.
My code is not perfect, but when I find a bug I try to fix it fast. 
If I create a bug I try to fix it even faster.
To sum it all up, I like to write plugins that last.
I hope you appreciate my work.

= Rate This Plugin =

Please [rate this plugin](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/moneypress/)!
Rating the plugin, hopefully with 5 stars, helps increase the exposure on WordPress, which generates more downloads and purchases of add-ons.
The more add-ons I sell the easier it is to put food on the table and give me more time to code cool new features.
No ratings, no food, more hours working as the Walmart Greeter, less coolness in the plugins.

Give me a chance to address your concerns if this plugin doesn't earn 5 stars by [contacting me](http://www.charlestonsw.com/mindset/contact-us/) directly or by posting in the [support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/moneypress) here at WordPress.

== Installation ==

= Requirements =

* PHP 5.2.4+ (same as WordPress 3.5)
* Wordpress: 3.5+

= Main Plugin =

1. Upload the `moneypress` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Go to the Settings/MoneyPress menu in the admin panel and enter your affiliate info.
4. Place the code '[moneypress]' shortcode on your page to list products.  You will need to set the "from" and "keywords" attributes on the shortcode.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I list products? =

Use [shortcodes](http://support.wordpress.com/shortcodes/) to display products from your affiliate relationsihps.  Currently, MoneyPress provides the following shortcodes.

* [[mpebay]](http://www.charlestonsw.com/support/documentation/moneypress/ebay/)

= What percentage of sales does your plugin keep? =

The free plugin will assign a CSA affiliate ID to two of the 9 products that come up in your shortcode, or about 20% of the potential revenue.
The first premium add-on "MoneyPress Pro Pack" removes that feature and allows you to list more than 9 products per shortcode.

= How do I report a bug? =

Post in the [support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/moneypress).
You can also [contact me](http://www.charlestonsw.com/product/product-support) to request premium support if you need immediate assistance.

= What are the premium add-ons? =

In response to feature requests from customers, I plan to create a series of premium add-on packages for MoneyPress.
These features extend the functionality of the plugin beyond the basic service and features and can be purchased ala-carte.
This gives those customers who want more out of the plugin the extra features they desire while keeping the main plugin as
efficient as possible for everyone else.   It also provides a great way to support future development while getting a
"little something extra" when contributing to my efforts.

You can see how the premium add-ons concept works with the Store Locator Plus plugin at the [CSA](http://www.charlestonsw.com/) website.

= Who is Charleston Software Associates? =

Currently it is one guy hacking code in a home office.
I ONLY do mobile apps and WordPress plugins for a living.

= What are the terms of the license? =

The license is GPL.  You get the code, feel free to modify it as you
wish. I prefer that customers pay because they like what I do and
want to support the effort that brings useful software to market.  Learn more
on the [CSA License Terms page](http://www.charlestonsw.com/products/general-eula/) or (this blog post about licensing)[http://www.charlestonsw.com/license-and-refund-policy/].

= How can I translate the plugin into my language? =

* Find on internet the free program POEDIT, and learn how it works.
* Use the .pot file located in the languages directory of this plugin to create or update the .po files.
* Place these file in the languages subdirectory.
* If everything is ok, email the files to info@charlestonsw.com and I will add them to the next release.
* For more information on POT files, domains, gettext and i18n have a look at the I18n for WordPress developers Codex page and more specifically at the section about themes and plugins.

This plugin has settings for many of the user-interface labels.
I am looking into working with the WPML plugin for added support for those of you that are not in North America.

= What browsers are supported? =

All major browsers should work, however CSA only officially supports the current and the most recent prior release of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

Currently this includes:

* Internet Explorer (IE) 9
* Firefox 15
* Chrome 21
* Safari 5

== Screenshots ==

1. Location Details

More screenshots are available via [the CSA website](http://www.charlestonsw.com/products/moneypress/).

== Changelog ==

I update about once per month or more frequently as needed.

Visit the [MoneyPress Release Notes page](http://www.charlestonsw.com/support/documentation/moneypress/release-notes/) for the full change log.

= 0.0.1 =

* Initial release.