
MoneyPress CafePress Edition

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

=== MoneyPress : CafePress Edition ===
Plugin Name: MoneyPress : CafePress Edition
Contributors: charlestonsw
Donate link: http://www.charlestonsw.com/product/moneypress-cafepress-edition/
Tags: plugin,post,page,cafepress,affiliate,shirts,pod,print-on-demand,store,products,ecommerce,revenue sharing,storefront,cj,commission-junction
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.3.2
Stable tag: 3.9.1

Put CafePress product listings on your posts and pages using a simple short code. List your own products or earn affiliate revenue.  A premium plugin.

== Description ==

This plugin allows you to quickly and easily display products from CafePress on any page or post via a simple shortcode.  Install the plugin and you can add products to your existing blog posts or pages just be entering a shortcode. Multiple configuration options allow you to customize the display.  If you are a CafePress retailer, this plugin is for you!

= Features =

* Uses your own API key.
* No revenue sharing, you keep 100% of your sales.
* Built in affiliate tracking for Commission Junction affiliates.

= Pro Pack (Premium Add-On) =

The following features are now available in the Pro Pack:

* CSS Theme System - several simple pre-defined themes are available.  Easily add your own to make listings look exactly right for your site.
* Additional Default/Shortcode Filters - specify in more detail what products to return.
* More listing details - turn on/off additional listing details.

For more information on Pro Pack features, visit the [MoneyPress : CafePress Edition](http://www.charlestonsw.com/product/moneypress-cafepress-edition/)  page.

= Related Links =

* [CSA](http://www.charlestonsw.com)
* [Resend Your License](http://www.charlestonsw.com/mindset/contact-us/)
* [Documentation](http://www.charlestonsw.com/support/)
* [WordPress Support Forum](http://www.wordpress.org/support/plugin/moneypress-cafepress-edition)

== Installation ==

= Requirements =

PHP 5.2 or later with support for cURL and SimpleXML.

= Main Plugin =

 * Login to WordPress and search for "MoneyPress CafePress" from the add plugins page.
 * Click install.
 * Browse to ‘MoneyPress : CafePress Edition’ in your admin settings menu.
* Get your API key from the CafePress developer site.
* Enter your CafePress Developer API key in the CafePress settings page in WordPress.
 * Enter the ‘[mpcafe]’ on any page you want to list products.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where can I find support for this plugin? =

[WordPress Support Forum](http://www.wordpress.org/support/plugin/moneypress-cafepress-edition)

= What are the terms of the license? =

The license is based on GPL.  You get the code, feel free to modify it as you
wish.  I prefer that customers buy a premium add-on because they like what I do and
want to support my efforts to bring useful software to market.

Learn more about [my thoughts on licensing and refunds](http://www.charlestonsw.com/license-and-refund-policy/).

= What percentage of sales do I keep? =

None.  Everything you earn through this plugin is yours, I don't siphon off
any of your sales or earn anything unless you purchase a premium add-on.

= How can I translate the plugin into my language? =

The plugin uses the standard WordPress language file system.

* Find on internet the free program POEDIT, and learn how it works.
* Use the .pot file located in the languages directory of this plugin to create or update the .po files.
* Place these file in the languages subdirectory.
* If everything is ok, email the files to me and I will add them to the next release.
* For more information on POT files, domains, gettext and i18n have a look at the I18n for WordPress developers Codex page and more specifically at the section about themes and plugins.

= How do I get my CafePress API Key? =

NOTE: CafePress has shut down the API program for new subscriptions.   They MAY re-activate it but they have not given an ETA on doing so.

Sign up at <a href="http://developer.cafepress.com/">Developer.cafepress.com</a> 
and fill out the Register My Application form.  It takes less than 5 minutes and 
is easier than setting up your original CafePress store.

== Screenshots ==

1. The plugin in action.
2. The settings menu in the admin panel.
3. Entering a license key and API key via admin panel.
4. The email you will receive upon purchasing the plugin.
5. Getting a CafePress API key from CafePress.

== Changelog ==

= v3.9.1 (November 2012) =

* CSA plugin takeover.

= v3.9 (April 2012) =

* [Pro Pack] New Themes
* Bug fixes and performance improvements.

= v3.83 (August 2011) =

* Elminate errors on servers with exec() disabled on php.

= v3.82 (July 11th 2011) = 

* Fix Simple XML check.

= v3.8 (July 2011) =

* Added theme files to PLUS version
* Added multiple lookup actions for alternate CafePress API listing methods.
* Added extensive debugging routines
* Updated to share core components with LE version.

= v3.5 (June 25th 2011) =

* LE Edition released with removal of licensing requirement.

= v3.4 (January 1st 2011) =

* Test with WordPress 3.0.4
* Update readme file.

= v3.3 (December 12,2010) =

* Missed a couple of things...
* Quick patch to fix [quickcafepress] errors
* Store ID and Section ID errors when using input arrays

= v3.2 (December 12,2010) =

* Fixed a problem with [quickcafepress] tag on legacy systems
* Fixed cache setting issue (was not saving cache length)
* Extended debugging mode output on product lookups.
* Added proper CSS formatting for new div tags

= v3.0 (November 29th, 2010) =

* Major update move CafePress Edition to a standard codebase.
* The selling price display can now be set to match your locale.
* Better inline help on settings page.
* Ability to specify which "page" of products to return via page="#" qualifier.
* Ability to set default section ID or specify in short code.
* Ability to set default store ID or specify in short code.
* New shortcodes, can be specified as a single shortcode entry, no URL required with store ID set.
* Updated the licensing code and product fetching code with a more robust connection algorithm.
* Added a debugging flag to the settings page to help when things go awry.

= v2.2 (June 10th, 2010) =

* Minor updates extending help.
* Better license lookup.
* Eliminated missing cache message for regular users.

= v2.0 (May 31st, 2010) =

* Earn revenue on ANY CafePress store via the affiliate program.
* Improved data retrieval for faster response and fewer "no products found" messages.
* Eliminated basic error messages for users,errors only appear for admins.
* Improved error reporting.

= v1.2.2 (May 7th, 2010) =
* Fixed loading of thickbox (lightbox image zooming)
* Correctly formatted the readme.txt file

= v1.2.1 (May 3rd, 2010) =
* Try to create cache directory if it does not exist
* Better error handling concerning permissions of cache directory
* Updated product description

= v1.2 (April 19th, 2010) =
* Minor documentation fixes
* Added "demo mode" for non-licensed copies
* Added notification for missing license info
* Added license verification
* Restyled options page to look much nicer

= v1.1 (March 15th, 2010) =
* Initial release (only released on cybersprocket.com)