
Panhandler - data drivers for MoneyPress

Primary LanguagePHP


Creating A Driver

To create a new Panhandler driver you need to follow these steps.

1. Create a branch called +driver/foo+ which forkes from +master+.
Here +foo+ is an appropriate name for your driver, e.g. +driver/ebay+
or +driver/commission-junction+.

2. Create a driver file inside of the +Drivers+ directory.  This file

  a. Requires the +Panhandler.php+ file from the parent directory.

  b. Provide a driver class which implements the +Panhandles+
  interface.  The driver *must* implement all methods defined by that
  interface.  If there are any methods which the driver cannot support
  for technical reasons, then that method *must* throw a
  +PanhandlerNotSupported+ exception.

3. Create a test script inside of the +Tests+ directory.  This file
must be a PHP script that can be run from the command-line, and which
demonstrates a functional usage of the driver.  For example, it may
print out the titles of ten products based on keywords given at the
command line.  There is no fixed format or methodology for the test
scripts; they are only required to show other developers a working
example of the driver class.  They should attempt to demonstrate as
much of the +Panhandles+ interface as possible for that driver.

Please carefully read the documentation for each method in the
+Panhandles+ interface.  They describe the types of values which
should be returned, and provide suggestions about the ideal behavior
that drivers should have.