
AFNetworking 2.0-compatible replacement for AFOAuth1Client.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


BDBOAuth1Manager is an OAuth 1.0a library for AFNetworking 2.x.


BDBOAuth1Manager consists of three core classes: BDBOAuth1RequestSerializer, BDBOAuth1RequestOperationManger, and BDBOAuth1SessionManager. Below I will provide a quick overview of each, but to really see how the three classes work together, take a look at the included demo apps. One is a simple Twitter client and the other a simple Flickr photo gallery, but they show how to get started using BDBOAuth1Manager in your projects.


BDBOAuth1RequestOperationManger is a subclass of AFHTTPRequestOperationManager that provides methods to facilitate the OAuth 1 authentication flow.

@property (nonatomic) BDBOAuth1RequestSerializer *requestSerializer;

#pragma mark Initialization
- (instancetype)initWithBaseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL
                    consumerKey:(NSString *)consumerKey
                 consumerSecret:(NSString *)consumerSecret;

#pragma mark Authorization Status
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter = isAuthorized) BOOL authorized;

- (BOOL)deauthorize;

#pragma mark OAuth Handshake
- (void)fetchRequestTokenWithPath:(NSString *)requestPath
                           method:(NSString *)method
                      callbackURL:(NSURL *)callbackURL
                            scope:(NSString *)scope
                          success:(void (^)(BDBOAuth1Credential *requestToken))success
                          failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

- (void)fetchAccessTokenWithPath:(NSString *)accessPath
                          method:(NSString *)method
                    requestToken:(BDBOAuth1Credential *)requestToken
                         success:(void (^)(BDBOAuth1Credential *accessToken))success
                         failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;


BDBOAuth1SessionManager is a subclass of AFHTTPSessionManager that has the same API as BDBOAuth1RequestOperationManger, which is described above.

If your deployment target is either iOS 6 or OS X 10.8, you must use BDBOAuth1RequestOperationManger, as the underlying NSURLSession that is used by AFHTTPSessionManager is a new addition to the iOS and OS X networking frameworks for iOS 7 and OS X 10.9.


BDBOAuth1RequestSerializer is a subclass of AFHTTPRequestSerializer that handles all the networking requests performed by BDBOAuth1RequestOperationManger and BDBOAuth1SessionManager. Both classes automatically handle the creation of this serializer, so you should never have to instantiate it on your own.

BDBOAuth1RequestSerializer also has built-in support for storing and retrieving an OAuth access token to/from the user's keychain, utilizing the service name to differentiate tokens. BDBOAuth1RequestOperationManger and BDBOAuth1SessionManager automatically set the service name to baseURL.host (e.g. api.twitter.com) when they are instantiated.

OAuth Handshake

The first step in performing the OAuth handshake is getting an OAuth request token for your application. This can be done with the fetchRequestTokenWithPath:method:callbackURL:scope:success:failure: method.

[self.networkManager fetchRequestTokenWithPath:@"/oauth/request_token"
                                   callbackURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"bdboauth://request"]
                                       success:^(BDBOAuth1Credential *requestToken) {
                                           NSString *authURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=%@", requestToken.token];
                                           [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:authURL]];
                                       failure:^(NSError *error) {
                                           NSLog(@"Error: %@", error.localizedDescription);

Creating a URL Type for OAuth Callbacks

When calling fetchRequestTokenWithPath:method:callbackURL:scope:success:failure:, you must provide a unique callback URL whose scheme corresponds to a URL type you've added to your project target. This allows the OAuth provider to return the user to your app after the user has authorized it. For example, if I add a URL type to my project with the scheme bdboauth, my application would then respond to all URL requests that begin with bdboauth:. If I pass bdboauth://request as the callback URL, the OAuth provider would call that URL and my application would resume.

URL Types Screenshot

Responding to the OAuth Callback URL

In order to respond to your application's URL scheme being called, you must implement the -application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation method within your application delegate. You can do something like this:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
            openURL:(NSURL *)url
  sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
         annotation:(id)annotation {
	if ([url.scheme isEqualToString:@"bdboauth"]) {
		if ([url.host isEqualToString:@"request"]) {
			NSDictionary *parameters = [url dictionaryFromQueryString];
			if (parameters[@"oauth_token"] && parameters[@"oauth_verifier"]) {
				[self.networkManager fetchAccessTokenWithPath:@"/oauth/access_token"
                    	                         requestToken:[BDBOAuth1Credential credentialWithQueryString:url.query]
                        	                          success:^(BDBOAuth1Credential *accessToken) {
                            	                          [self.networkManager.requestSerializer saveAccessToken:accessToken];
		return YES;
    return NO;


BDBOAuth1Manager was created by Bradley David Bergeron and influenced by AFOAuth1Client. Both AFNetworking and AFOAuth1Client are the awesome work of Mattt Thompson.