Analyze E. coli code and heat response with FBA
sudo apt-get install libglpk-dev
sudo pip install cobra --pre
sudo pip install python-libsbml
sudo pip install numpy,scipy
Note: Many other packages need to be installed to use python libsbml.
Include reactions: ARAI, RBK_L1, RMPA, LYXI, RMI, RMK, and LACZ. Gap filling:
Based on data from Phenotypic Landscape of a Bacterial Cell, mmc2.xlsx E. coli gene mapping is downloaded from supplementary file of
Riley, et al. Escherichia coli k-12: a cooperatively developed annotation snapshot2005. NAR, 34(1):1–9, 2006
Mapping genes to reactions, change constraints based on protein abundance data from PaxDb.
python ./fba/
python ./fva/
python ./fva/
./sample_heatmap/ # Draw heatmaps for sample mutants
./temp/ # Draw histogram for mutants using mean of flux variances
./temp/ # Draw 10 bin bar chart.
./temp/cold_10bins/ #check essentiality and dispensability in each 10 bins
./temp/cold_10bins/ # used to find maximum variance reactions
./temp/cold_10bins/pathways/ # prepare data for cytoscape
./temp/cold_10bins/pathways/ # Find top100 reaction ids for mutants, draw heatmaps for reactions