Week Disciplines Applications in DCP Classes
Week 01 AI/ML - Introduction to AI and
Machine Learning,
Week 02 Deep Learning - Neural networks
Python and Jupyter
Deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, Pytorch)
Week 03 Computer Vision Image analysis,
Remote sensing,
Point cloud
Computer vision and CNNs: overview and theory
Week 04 Guest lecture
Week 05 Generative Models Generative design GANs: overview and theory
Week 06 Guest lecture
Week 07 NLP Text mining
Sentiment analysis
Transformers: overview and theory
Week 08 Guest lecture
Week 09 Robotics Robots
Human-Machine interaction
Reinforcement Learning and Robotics
Week 10 Guest lecture
Week 11 Special Topics Special Topics Special Topics
Week 12 - - Final Project and Presentations
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15

Disclaimer: This syllabus represents the current plans and objectives. As we go through the semester, those plans may need to change to enhance the class learning opportunity. Such changes, communicated clearly, are not unusual and should be expected.