followable_mongo allows you to make your Mongoid::Document or MongoMapper::Document objects followable and tabulate follows countfor you. For instance, in a forum, a user can follow a post or a comment. It’s optimized for speed by using only ONE database request per collection to validate, update, and retrieve updated data.
Based on the voting gem
followable_mongo takes advantage of the Mongo document-oriented database to store all related follows data inside the followable document. That has the following benefits:
No need to maintain additional follows table or follows collection.
When followable document is loaded, all follows data related to it can also be loaded, no more additional database requests to see how many follows this document has, who is following, etc…
When following a document, followable_mongo validates follow data, updates followable document and retrieves updated data using only ONE database request thanks to atomic findAndModify operation.
To install the gem, add this to your Gemfile
gem 'mongoid' gem 'followable_mongo', :git => ''
After that, remember to run “bundle install”
class Post include Mongoid::Document include Mongo::Followable has_many :comments end
require 'post' class Comment include Mongoid::Document include Mongo::Followable belongs_to :post end
class User include Mongoid::Document include Mongo::Follower end
class Post include MongoMapper::Document include Mongo::Followable many :comments end
require 'post' class Comment include MongoMapper::Document include Mongo::Followable belongs_to :post end
class User include MongoMapper::Document include Mongo::Follower end
Is equivalent to
@user.follow(:followed => @post) @post.follow(:follower => @user)
In case you don’t need to init follower and / or followed objects you can
@user.follow(:followed_class => Post, :followed_id => post_id) @post.follow(:follower_id => user_id) Post.follow(:follower_id => user_id, :followed_id => post_id)
If you have follower_id and followed_id you don’t need to init follower and followed objects (suitable for API calls)¶ ↑
New follow
Post.follow(:follower_id => user_id, :followed_id => post_id)
Post.follow(:follower_id => user_id, :followed_id => post_id)
Note: follow function always return updated followed object
@user.following?(@post) @user.following?(:followed_class => Post, :followed_id => post_id) @post.followed_by?(@user) @post.followed_by?(user_id)
puts @post.follows_count
@post.followers(User) - or - User.following(@post)
rake mongo:followable:init_stats
rake mongo:followable:remake_stats
John Lynch - Author
Alex Nguyen - Author of voteable_mongo
Copyright © 2011 Rigel Group, LLC
Licensed under the MIT license.