
selective regression testing on method level for node.js apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Selective Regression Testing for Node.js


# install dependencies
npm i

# install NodeSRT package
cd nodeSRT
sudo npm i .


use nodeSRT --help to get help
use this command to run nodeSRT nodeSRT -b <codebase dir> -d <diff patch dir> <options>


-b, --basefolder <path> the path to codebase to be analyzed
-d --diffFile <path> path to diff file
--config <path> path to JSON config file
--e2e <boolean> run analyze on e2e tests
--skipGetDependency <boolean> skip get denpendency graph step, has to set --callGraph --fileDependencyGraph --E2EdenpendencyGraph as well
--callGraph <path> path to callgraph
--fileDependencyGraph <path> path to file denpendency graph
--E2EdenpendencyGraph <path> dir to E2e dependencyGraph
--excepts <array> array of files to be excluded when injection
--docker <boolean> whether running in docker or ci environment, if it is then skip user inputs

options only in configuration files only:
excepts: <array of file paths> files to be excepted in injection step
e2eTestSuite: <object> e2e configuration object, includes specs and exclude to specify e2e test suite
includesE2E: <boolean> run analyze on e2e tests
onlyE2E: <boolean> only run e2e analysis, skip unit tests
runUnitTestsInstr: <string> instructions to run unit test. e.g. npm run test:unit
E2EprerunInstr: <string> instructions to setup e2e tests
E2EpostrunInstr: <string> instructions to run after e2e tests finished
buildE2EInstr: <string> instructions to build code for e2e tests
runE2EInstr: <string> instructions to run e2e tests
E2Edir: <string> path E2E test folder
E2Etemp: <string> test folder to be copied to E2E test folder if you want to use your own E2E test folder

  • since each End-to-end test suite set up differently, you might want to customize e2e test handler for your e2e test suite


sample nodeSRT command:

nodeSRT -b ./simorgh -d ./diff.patch --config ./nodeSRT/example/dockerConfig.json

you can find some sample configuration files in here

How it works


  1. static analysis on each js file, generate dependency graph on functions and fields
  2. inject dynamic analysis code to each function
  3. run tests one by one, get entities influenced by each tests. Store as json file.
  4. parse diff file, identify changes.
  5. generate a list of tests on test-entities relationship.

design decisions

  1. since the selection is at method level, if a modification is outsid of the method, we will run all tests have dependencies on this file.
  2. Although astring can handle comments, some special comments are misplaced after injection. e.g. @ts-ignore Therefore, they need to be ignore when doing code injection. Otherwise we will have a build error.

docker comamnd

docker build -t srtdock:latest .
docker run --rm -ti srtdock

push to docker hub: https://ropenscilabs.github.io/r-docker-tutorial/04-Dockerhub.html

docker login
docker tag f645182d6e68 charlie9731/srtdock:v2
docker push charlie9731/srtdock

singularity command:

singularity build -s srtSingular.sif docker://charlie9731/srtdock:v2
singularity run -w -e srtSingular.sif <commit id>

RHEL install docker script

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
sudo dnf install -y vim git curl
sudo dnf install --nobest docker-ce
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user

experiment data

you can find experiment data in here