Hay Folks!!, This repository consists of the Python code I made during the FOOBAR CHALLENGE. I had also given a brief idea about the approch and algorithm I used in those questions.
- Re-ID
This was the very first question I encountered in the FOOBAR CHALLENGE, and it deals with prime numbers. From the word prime number the thing that came to my mind was the Sieve of Eratosthenes and I used it for the question. Since the constraints of this problem is relatively low(about 1e5) , one can also use bruteforce for the solution.
- Lovely Lucky LAMBs
This problem was intituative demands logical thinking. The optimum answer will be Fibonacci(for max) and power of 2(for min).
- Hey, I Already Did That!
This problem deals with base conversion and hash map(to check for the cycle)
- Find the Access Codes
This problem was very confusing and consumed a lot of my time. The problem states a defination for Lucky Triples and ask you to find total number of lucky triples in a given array. "The Lucky Triple need not to be unique" this line wa smissing in the problem statement which made me think in a diffrent way to eliminate the duplicate whict was not necessary.
- Bomb, Baby!
This was an intuitive problem which required loggical reasoning. I used approch similar to Euler's Theorem for GCD to get my worked done in this problem.
- Prepare the Bunnies' Escape
This was a problem based of Graph Data Structure. The problem statement comesup with an idea of a 0-1 maze in which. I used BFS to find my way out of the maze and also a function to change the position of walls one at a time.
- Escape Pods
This problem deals with a directed graph.Since it a Directed graph, the word that ring my ears was DFS and I used it for the problem. It too me 1 day to come up with a proper solution because graph data structure was new to me.
- Running with Bunnies
This was the Hardest problem of the challenge according to me. The problem is a combination of Travelling Salesman problem and Bellman-Ford Algorithm . As I was new to graph and didn't know these alogorithms well, it took be a lot of days to comeup with a proper answer. I also searched the problem on google to solve it , hence i don't take the credit to solve it by my self.
- Dodge the Lasers!
After 3 problems on Graph, this problem was on Mathematics. The problem asks you to write a function that returns the value
At first glance, it seemed very easy to me(iterrative approach) ,but the constraints were too high(1e100) for iterration.Soon i found and article which states a thorem which may help in solving the problem. Moreover we need sqare root of 2 till 100 place(which is not possible in the built-in function) so i used the value of (sqrt(2)-1) till 100th place from google, and I completed the problem