
Create protocol from a CSV table:

  1. Convert any survey into the format of the data dictionary template below:

template for CSV

Variable / Field Name Section Header Form Name Field Type multipleChoice Field Label Choices, Calculations, OR Slider Labels minVal maxVal Branching Logic (Show field only if...)
  • Variable / Field Name: The id for the survey item (required).
  • Section Header: Preamble for the survey item (leave blank if you don't want a preamble).
  • Form Name: Name of the activity the survey item is a part of (required).
  • Field Type: Type of reponse for survey item, currently supports:
    • radio
    • select
    • slider
    • text
    • static
    • timeRange

  • multipleChoice: Used for radio items. Set value=1 if the item is a multi-choice checklist, leave blank if single choice.
  • Field Label: Question/text for survey item.
  • Choices, Calculations, OR Slider Labels: Reponse list for survey item, in the form of value1, choice1 | value2, choice2 | value 3, choice3 etc. Leave blank for text, static, and timeRange items.
  • maxVal Used for slider items, the text to display for max value of slider bar. Leave blank for other items types.
  • minVal Used for slider items, the text to display for min value of slider bar. Leave blank for other items types.
  • Branching Logic (Show field only if...): For conditional logic. For example, if question2 only shows when question1 has value 1, fill this column with [question1]=1 for the row of question2. If the question has no conditional logic, leave this column blank.


node tools/RedCap2ReproSchema.js path_to_your_csv_file