
An Archlinux operating system tailored for developing software in the Ada and SPARK languages.

Primary LanguageHTMLISC LicenseISC


An Archlinux operating system tailored for developing software in the Ada and SPARK languages.


Architecture: x86_64
RAM: 4+ GiB
Disk: 32+ GiB

OS Components

Display Server: X.Org
Desktop Environment: XFCE4
Window Manager: XFWM
Display Manager: LightDM

Ada Projects

  • adacurses
  • ada_language_server
  • ada-libfswatch
  • ada_spawn
  • ada-web-server
  • adaogg
  • ahven
  • alire
  • aunit
  • florist
  • gcc-ada (v12.2.0)
  • gcc-ada-debug (v12.2.0)
  • gnatcoll-core
  • gnatcoll-db2ada
  • gnatcoll-gmp
  • gnatcoll-gnatinspect
  • gnatcoll-iconv
  • gnatcoll-lzma
  • gnatcoll-omp
  • gnatcoll-postgres
  • gnatcoll-python
  • gnatcoll-readline
  • gnatcoll-sql
  • gnatcoll-sqlite
  • gnatcoll-syslog
  • gnatcoll-xref
  • gnatcoll-zlib
  • gnatcoverage
  • gnatdoc
  • gnatstudio
  • gnatsymbolize
  • gpr
  • gpr-unit-provider
  • gprbuild
  • gtkada
  • ini_file_manager
  • inotify-ada
  • kazakov_simple_components
  • langkit
  • libadalang
  • libadalang-tools
  • libgpr
  • libvss
  • markdown
  • polyorb
  • sdlada
  • spark2014
  • sphinxcontrib-adadomain
  • vulkada
  • xmlada


Download a pre-built ISO using a bittorrent client.

Please test/trial in a virtual machine until a stable version (v1.0.0) is released.

Depends on:

  • Qemu
  • Virt-Manager

The installer is currently console based, albeit in a graphical desktop environment (Xfce4). A graphical installer is pending.

  • Create a Qemu virtual machine via virt-manager.
  • Configure the machine to boot via UEFI (see here).
  • Attach the laceOS ISO file to the virtual machines cdrom.
  • Start the virtual machine.
  • Double click on the 'Install laceOS' desktop icon.

The installer will only accept legal hostnames, usernames and passwords. The user will be prompted again if any are illegal. The installer will use an entire disk as the installation target.


To use a Nvidia GPU:

$ pikaur -S nvidia-dkms

$ sudo reboot

If any problems result, try using 'nvidia-xconfig' to generate an X11 configuration file.

$ sudo nvidia-xconfig

To update the package mirror list:

$ pikaur -S reflector

$ update_pacman_mirrors

This may take some time.


Comments, suggestions and critiques are very welcome, either via the github project 'Issues' section or IRC to 'charlie5' on #ada channel at 'irc.libera.chat'.


Currently the ISO build system uses several hard-coded folder paths. This will be corrected in the next release. For the moment please use the pre-built install ISO.

Depends on:

Install the dependencies and then ...

$ cd laceOS/applet/lace-live
$ ./build_iso.sh

The resulting ISO will be created in 'laceOS/applet/lace-live/out'.

Should the build fail (due to a slow internet connnection) or is otherwise interrupted, simply restart the build. Do not use the 'rid_build.sh" script until after the build completes successfully (see here).