
Created with CodeSandbox

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokemon Quest

The idea is to list the first 20 pokemons using React classes and React hooks.

The data will be fetched as a GET request from


Which will return a JSON with the following schema:

  "results": [
    {"name": "bulbasaur", "url": "a URL"}

Note: Results will contain an array with 20 objects, each containing a pokemon.

Your task will be to render the name of all pokemons... twice. One using a class component and another with hooks!

The resulting App.js file needs to be like this:

export default function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Kewl Pokèdex</h1>
      <div className="pokedex">
        <div className="class-pokedex">
          <PokeClasses />
        <div className="hooks-pokedex">
          <PokeHooks />

Note: You need to create PokeClasses and PokeHooks. You decide if you want it in another file or in the same file. Whatevs.


Please, fork the Sandbox and submit its URL somewhere. Maybe in the slack channel.